His reaction

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R: L-Lucas I'm pregnant
L: w-what
I went in the bathroom and looked into the mirror then I felt warm arms wrap around my wait I smelt his strong cologne and felt his got breath on my skin  he started to whisper in my ear
L: is this a prank
R: no
L: I'm really going to be a father
R: yea
He let go of me and I started to cry he turned me around and picked me up and spun me around
R: Lucas stop im gonna get dizzy
L: oh right sorry
He put me down and kissed me hard then he started to cry
R: baby what wrong
L: I'm just so happy
Lucas hugged me tightly
L: does anyone else know about our baby
R: M-Marcus
L: how does he know
R: I called him when I found out
L: why
R: because I didn't know what to do
L: what
R: I thought you would leave me and the baby
I turned around and started to cry Lucas came and sat in front of me
L: baby I would never leave you or our baby
R: i-
L: it's okay
R: I'll be right back
L: where are you going
R: to change
L: ok
I went in the bathroom and changed into this 👇

R: L-Lucas I'm pregnantL: w-what I went in the bathroom and looked into the mirror then I felt warm arms wrap around my wait I smelt his strong cologne and felt his got breath on my skin  he started to whisper in my ear L: is this a prank R: noL: ...

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I came out of the bathroom and saw Lucas In his boxers looking at me
L: damn even tho you're pregnant you're still sexy
I just started to laugh
L: babyyygirrrll 
R: yea
L: come here
I went to him he pulled me on top  of him and he layed back and started to rub my back
L: damn I love you  so much
R: I love you more
L: no I love you more
R: alright I'm not arguing
L: that's right babygirl
We kissed and fell asleep
I woke up to Lucas not being in bed I went downstairs for food and I saw Lucas and Marcus talking
L: good morning baby
R: good morning
I went in the kitchen and there was no food
R: oh my god I'm hungry
L: babe me and Marcus will get you something to eat
R: ok thanks love you
L: love you too
They left and I got a shower and I put this on 👇

I came out of the bathroom and saw Lucas In his boxers looking at me L: damn even tho you're pregnant you're still sexy I just started to laugh L: babyyygirrrll  R: yeaL: come here I went to him he pulled me on top  of him and he layed back and st...

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I went downstairs and started to watch tv  then I got a call
M: Rose...
R: yea Marco
M: Lucas...
R: what
M: he was in an accident
I dropped the phone and ran to my car I drove to the hospital as fast as I could
R: ummm nurse
N: yes
R: I'm looking for Lucas Dobre
N: he's in room 105
I started running looking at the room numbers I finally found  105 i ran over to Lucas and I saw Lucas sitting up
R: baby
L: hey
R: are you okay
L: yea don't worry about me
R: I always worry about you
D: you guys can go home
R: thank God
L: is Marcus ok
R: yea
I drove home and we got something to eat we we got home I just took off my pants and shirt and Lucas took off his shirt and pants we cuddled and Lucas rubbed my bellie
L: when are we gonna tell my family about our baby
R: tomorrow
L: ok
R: I love you so much
L: I love you more
We kissed and we fell asleep...
                         Authors note
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and what do you think Lucas' family is gonna say about the baby or babies comment down below if they should have twins or one baby and comment their gender I love you guys don't forget to like and comment and peace

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