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N: congratulations your having twins
R: no way
L: really
N: yes
I looked over at Lucas with tears in my eyes and I saw he had tears in his eyes too we smiled at each other
R: your crying
L: there's something in my eye
R: yup I'm sure there is
The nurse wiped off the jelly and we left we got in the car and Lucas started to drive he grabbed my hand
R: baby...
L: yea
R: I know you were crying
L: ok you caught me
We got home and Lucas called all of his brothers and his mother and father while he was calling them I just sat down on the couch and watched tv but I just slumped down I didn't really feel good so I just turned over Lucas finally got off the phone
L: babygirl  what's wrong
R: I'm fine
L: no tell me
R: just tired
L: you need to rest  babygirl
R: I just want ice cream
R: ok
He got us ice cream and we fed each other then we went upstairs and fell asleep

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