he really loves you

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Me and Marcus are gonna hang out today so i got up and tryed to get up but Lucas's grip was too strong
R: Lucasssss
L: mmmm
R: wake up
L: mmmmm no
R : then no kisses
R: thats what i thought
L: why do you want me up im tried
R: plsss let go of me
L: mmmmm give me lots of kisses
I went to go kiss him he thought on the lips but nope on the cheek
L: hey
R: what
L: i want lip kisses
R: not till you let me go
He instally let me go
L: now what you promised
He was expecting a peck but nope i kissed him hard he put me on his lap he started to feel up my shirt the makeout session got more heated then i stoped kissing  him
We were both trying to catch our breath
R: i need to be somewhere
L: where
R: your house
L: for what
R: to see Marcus
L: whatever im going back to sleep
I knew he was mad at me now but he should know that me and Marcus don't have feeling for eachother
I took a quick shower and dressed and went to the twins house
M: hey whats up
R: nothing
M: hows it going
R: Lucas is mad at me and ignoring me
M: what about
R: coming over here i texted him like a million times
M: do the same thing
R: what
M: ignore him
R: but he will j-
M: he can't not to talk to you especially if you don't try to make conversation
R: okay ill do it
M: he really loves you
R: i know
M: no you don't
R: umm
M: remember when you two met
R: yea
M: well after he met you he ran to the house and started to tell me all about you and he couldn't stop
R: w-
M: and when ever his with me he always whines that he wanta to be with you hes always thinking about you
R: i have no words
M: you don't need them just go home and ignore him ok until he says sorry
R: alright see you later
I went home Lucas always stays here because my brother is never home he is with his girlfriend's house Lucas heard the front door close
L: babygirl is that you
Of course i ignored him i went go cook something for dinner
He came up to me
L: can you make me something to eat
I just walked away and put the food on the stove then Lucas came and turned me around
L: babygirl im sorry i was just jealous of Marcus im so sorry your my life i need you pls fogive R: of course my little lion
I kissed him and it turned into a heated makeout session
R: i love you and only you babyboy
L: i love you more
R: Marcus told me how you acted after we met and how you act when your not with me
He looked embarrassed
I grabbed his chin and made him face me
R: babyboy its okay i can't get you off my mind
He gave me a tight hug
R: i love you so much
L: i love you more ...

Authors note
Hey guys I am back anyway so if you haven't went and checked out my other books you should go do that and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter so I've been quite busy so don't forget to like up this chapter and comment peace

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