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L: will you go out with me
R: are you serious
L: yes
R: why wouldn't i
L: i love you
R: i love you more
He went home i layed down on my bed i went to sleep
I woke up and took a shower and put on skinny jeans and a black hoodie i decided to go to Starbucks and get an ice coffee i got my ice coffee and i went to the carnival i went there and saw Lucas i smiled then my fav song came on and i started dancing Lucas kept smiling after u was dancing i went up to him
R: hey baby
L: hey babygirl
Lucas kissed my on the forehead
We rode all the rides Lucas kissed me Lucas took me home
R: do you want to stay tonight
L: yea
I changed into comfy clothes and saw Lucas watching a movie i ordered a pizza and sat and wached the movie then Lucas moved me in his lap i could feel his boner
R: hahaha
L: what
R: you got a boner
L: ....
R: little lion it's okay
L: where did you get that
R: what
L: that nickname
R: oh it just suits you little lion and then we heard the doorbell ring i grabbed the money i opened the door to see...
Authors note
Have a wonderful day /night

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