Im fine

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Then she woke up then she blacked out again i kept crying really hard we arrived at the hospital they didn't let me go back i called her brother he came and the doctor called her name me and Alex jumped up
L: how is she
A: is she okay
D: she is okay and she is doing good
L&A: thank god
D: you can go see her both of you
L&A: okay thank you
We went to her room she was resting
A: I'll give you a minute
L: okay
Alex Left i went to her and started crying
L: awww my baby
R: L-lucas
L: babygirl
R: yea
I jumped up and hugged her
R: baby lion why are crying
L: because of you
R: im not worth crying
I looked up
R: please stop yelling
L: okay but never say that i love you to death i thought i lost you
R: hey look at me im fine
L: i love you so much
R: i love you more
L: no i do
R: awww
* a few weeks later*
Today Rose get to go home we woke up she did the paperwork
She got dressed and i drove her home
Rose pov//
I got home i jumped on my bed i felt someone grab me it was Lucas we cuddled like this 👇

Then she woke up then she blacked out again i kept crying really hard we arrived at the hospital they didn't let me go back i called her brother he came and the doctor called her name me and Alex jumped upL: how is she A: is she okay D: she is oka...

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L: i love you so much
R: i love you more
We went to sleep...

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