The surprise

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I realized that my period was late i walked out of the bathroom
L: babe you okay
R: yea
L: you want to come to a friends house with me
R: no you can go
L: okay I love you baby
R: I love you too babe
He softly kissed me then he left i went to the nearest pharmacy and got a pregnancy test i went home and went in the bathroom i peed on the stick and I paced around the bathroom then I saw that the result were there i picked up the stick and saw the results started to cry i called Marcus
M: hey Rose
R: i-i
M: are you okay
R: M-Marcus
M: what is it
R: I'm pregnant
M: are you joking
R: no
M: I'm gonna go be an uncle
R: y-yea
M: what's wrong
R: ummm
M: Lucas doesn't know
R: no he doesn't
M: you have to tell him
R: I'm scared
M: it will be fine
R: ok
M: bye it will be fine
R: bye
I started to freak out i cried into my pillow then I heard the front door open i quit crying i ran to my bathroom I wiped away all the tears
L: baby you here
R: yea I'm using the bathroom I'll be out in a sec
L: ok
I cleaned my face and went out and saw Lucas
L: hey babygirl 
R: hey
L: let's watch a movie
R: ok let's do it
I felt really guilty about not telling him I'm pregnant we were cuddling he kissed my forehead
L: I love you
R: I love you too
L: wait a minute
R: what
L: you're acting weird
R: no I'm not
L: are you cheating on me
R: no
I burst out crying
L: then tell me
R: Lucas I'm...
                               Authors note
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned to find out what will happen don't forget to comment and like I love you guys and peace

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