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Chapter 1:
Asriel's POV:
I'm bored. I wanted to explore but frisk said I can't, cause she didn't want me going out side. GAH! I'm bored. I sat on the couch bored till I heard a knock on the door. "Hm?" I said. I opened the door and I saw to girls. "Hi I'm mizy and this is kitty" mizy said. "Oh hi did you need some thin" I asked. "ERM... Yea.. Well... We don't have a home!!" Mizy said fast. "Oh uhhhhhhh" i said dunno what to do. "OK then you can stay here till my friend frisk or chara gets back!" I said. "She will make the decision rather you can stay or not" i said. "OK" kitty said. "I need huggy!!!!" Kitty said. She tackled me hugging. "AHHHH" I screamed. "Kitty" said mizy. Mizy gave kitty a blank face. "Oops sorry I'm a hug person" kitty said. Kitty walked in and instantly fell on the couch face first sleeping. "She hasn't slept for days" said mizy. "Hey mizy" I said coming closer. "Yea" she said. "Wait!" She said. "I'm curious." She said. "About what" I said. "Do you have a girl friend EEE" mizy said. "Uhh yea... Her name is chara." I said. I blushed. "Don't be ashamed of it now I can help you a bit more to get closer" mizy said walking in and falling asleep to. I looked at mizy and blushed a bit. Maybe chara isn't my one but gahh!! I don't know, heh besides I don't even know mizy that well. Mizy started to make a cute snore, and kitty was snoring like she was making mount everest have a earth quake!!! "ASRIELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!" screamed frisk running into the house. But I forgot the door was closed.... So she accadently slammed her face. "Oops sorry and yea.." I said. "Come!!! Wait..." Said frisk. "Who the hell are they" said frisk. "They don't have a home" I said. Frisk gave me a stare coming closer and closer then said "OK new guest yay they can stay!" Frisk said. "Really!?" I said. "No time let's go!" Frisk said grabbing my arm and dragging me to where sans and chara was. "Ahhh" I screamed all the way there. We finally made it there and she flung me on the face first. "Ow what the hell frisk!!" I said. "U OK" said chara in front of me. For some reason I didn't feel any love connection after i met mizy. "Yea" I said. She helped me up. "We need you for this dare!!" Chara said. "Like!" I said scared.. "We need you to jump on this pile of ice!!" Said frisk. "Helllllllll no nope nope nope nope" I said walking home slowly. I made it home while they were falling out of tree's and sitting on ice cubes. I opened the door and my face accadently was right in front of mizy's. "UHH sorry!" I said fastly blushing mad. "Its OK.." Mizy said blushing back. Then I smiled at her a little bit and so did she.. "Uhh here for you!" I said handing her a rose. "Heh thx" she said blushing more. "Well I'm gonna go upstairs." I said. "Ok" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. my eyes widened and I blushed more. Then I walked up stairs. Of course there was one of sans bones on one of the stairs. I slipped on it and fell towards mizy. Her eyes widened in fear, her jaw dropped and she screamed. She ran out of the house and watched me fall on my back. "Ow.." I said. "You ok" she said holding my hand. "Yes" I said blushing. "Here maybe this will help" she said rubbing my back. "MIZY--" kitty got cut off and saw mizy rubbing my back. Her jaw dropped. "MIZY X ASRIEL.!!!!" kitty screamed. Mizy stopped and chased kitty. I had a smile on my face.

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