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Chapter 10!!:
Kitty's POV:
Ugh I was on my bed fiddling with my hair. Then I heard a knock. I opened it and saw mizy. "Wut" I asked. "Shh shh shhhhhhhhh!!" Mizy said. "MMMGH!" I said! I turned into a mouse and said "what in the hot fudge sundae is going on!" "Jam it squeaky feet" mizy said and throwing my on the wall. I was annoyed cause she knew a secret! She does this when she knows a secret.. "Saaaaaans likessssss U!" Mizy said. "Duh" I said. "Do u like him..." She asked. "I well I dunno.." I said. "Give him a chance." Said mizy. "UUUUUGH fine!" I said walking down the stairs bashing my head into the wall. I went to sans and said "wanna be my boy friend". Sans eyes turned black and he was frozen cause I said that. ...." Uh oh" I said. "The plan messed up mizy!" I said slamming my door! "OK Lowell see about that." She said

Mizy's POV:
Lol.. Later.. I was hiding behind the wall with asriel and the baby asleep watching sans. "I got an idea" I said! "What" asriel said. "I'll make sans drunk with a bit if alcohol then hehehe I'll trap him with kitty" I said evily. ".... Perfect.." Asriel said. "Yay" I said walking to sans sleeping quietly. I took a bit of alcohol and dumped it into his mouth All at once and ran!!. Sans woke up immediately and swallowed what has been in his mouth. "Eeeew.." Sans said giving a bungy face. "Lol.." I whispered to asriel. Baby still sleeping on asriels shoulder. I grabbed asriel's hand and took him to get a apple. "Why I need a apple?" He asked. "CHUG THE APPLE!!!" I screamed a bit giving a stare for a challenge. "Challenge beast, I do it intact I'll eat 2! Apples!!" He said. He ate one under a minute and the second. I gave a blank face as he looked at me with the challenge completed. "Your turn!!" He said grabbing my hand. "Look its raining out side, kitty hates getting wet and hates the rain, lol mizy I just noticed thatkitty hates water cause her name is KITTY AHAHHAHA!" He said. I gave a weird boring look. "Fine IIIII accept" I said. "KITTY!!" I screamed. "Ah!" Kitty said falling out of bed! "Wut!" She said. " no time I am uhh.... Bleeding yes and chara is out side needing to talk to u!!" I said nervous. Asriel was trying not to laugh as hard as he could. Kitty ran out side in the poring thunder rain. "*gasp* hey let me in!!!!" Kitty said madly. I locked the door. "Now we have to wait an hour to let back in" asriel said. "Agggrreeeeed" I said and shook his hand.
Hours and hours and HOURS later, it was freaking morning and kitty was still out there
OMG I forgot about kitty!!! I thought. I opened the door and saw Kitty passed out with her soaking. It was sunny today but yesterday... I grabbed and went back inside. "Uhh sans.. Asriel.." I said. "What and they both looked at me with kitty. " OH GAWD!" They both said at the same time. Sans fainted and asriel looked guilty and felt bad

Asriel's POV:
Oh mah gawd I didn't mean to like... Make her PASS OUTTTTT! so I freaked out and said. "Blarghenblashiblemegan!" Mizy gave a weirded and, freaked out look. "Sorry!." I said fast. "Maybe she will wake up with pie." I said. I grabbed a plate while mizy out her on the couch to rest. I grabbed the pie and gave it to mizy. "Trrrrryyyy it" I said happily. "Uhh OK.." I said eating a bite. Quickly my face turned green and I felt dizzy, needing to peuk. "*bleh* what the f-*bleh* was in that freaking pie!!" Mizy said almost peuking.. "My FAV... Snail and cockroach pie.." I said.. "Well you are a goat and I gotta PEUK" said mizy running down the Hall to the bath room. Kitty woke up coughing up water, got up to take a shower. She opened the door and saw mizy was peuking her guts out like she ate a snail and cockroach pie. "Hey what did u eat" kitty said. "*BLEEEEH* snail and guh... Cockroach pie!" Mizy said! Hm guess kitty was right.

Kitty's POV:
Omg I was right she ate a snail and cockroach pie but I have to admit she is dating a goat monster so.... Yea its OK LOL. "Out I'm taking a showed" I said pushing the new improved peuking mizy into the hall way!!!!! Still funny.. I took off my clothes and put a towel around me before going into the shower, yet walked out side. I went ijn the closet and saw foxy and mangle making out, oh god.. I grabbed my shirt... And ran to the bathroom with every one looking at me but I was covored HAHAHA!! I walked in and unrapped the towel and took a shower. Five minutes later I got out and changed. I walked into the closet to get the towel bag and I think mangle and foxy were taking it to far..I shut the door fast and said "MIZY OR SANS GET THESE TO A ROOM JEES!!" Mizy said "oh cmon kit were fine" as she opened the door. She froze and saw! She shut the door fast and said "one.. Two three" "SANS ASRIEL GET THESE TWO A ROOMMMMMM" we both said same time and fast. Asriel looked and in and grabbed mangle, almost naked and threw her in a empty room, sans grabbed foxy slapped him and put him in the empty room to. Kitty was twitching from being scarred. Mizy was curled IN a Ball. Asriel put his soft paw on mizy's cheek. Witch made her calm. Sans saw what asriel did and tryed but didn't work... He put his boney hand to my face!!!! IT MADE ME MORE SCARRED AND I DIDNT WANNA BE TOUCH GAHAGSHABIBOOK!!. Ugh

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