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I bit my lip and sat patiently. My father held a meeting with Kane. I did not know why and that is a cause for fear. Does he know? This can end badly for both parties. I sat up immediately. The door to my father's study opened. They both came out laughing about something. Kane's eyes fell on me. A blush took over. "Mr Anderson." I greeted. I am still upset with him, but seeing him makes my heart flutter. "Leyla, have you been out here all this time?" my father asked taking out his pocket watch. I nodded. "Do not worry. Your father has good news." Kane smiled. That was a very fake smile. "What is it?" I asked getting up. Kane is very well built. The temptation is there. My eyes went to his lips. I was swept away in his world again. He is so strong and he does not rely only on his strength. I can have a serious conversation with him, if I finish all my work. Kane cleared his throat. I was staring way too long at him. "It is about time for me to take my leave. Thank you for having me for dinner, Mr Weatherbee." Kane said shaking my father's hand. "I will walk you to the door." I voluntary said, looking over at my father for his blessing of course. He was none the wiser. "I will be in the kitchen." he smiled. I looked down as he walked by. "What is going on?" I whispered when we were alone in the hallway. "That is for your father to say." Kane said putting his hand on the small of my back. I refused to look at him. Don't fall for it. Your mad. Be mad. Kane gently held me by my chin. "Kitten?" he used that word and I could only remember the day at beach. When I finally gave in to him I cupped his face. We shared a firesome kiss. I can not think straight when he is around. I gasped when his hand went to my arse "You should really walk me to the door, Leyla, before something terrible happens." Kane breathed pushing me back. His other hand went to my side. "Is that so horrible sir?" I asked kissing his jaw. I held on to his coat. "Not really. I thought you did not want your father know." he chuckled as I nibbled on his earlobe. "I am beginning to lose all the care in the world sir." I grinned as he got closer. I am. "Now that is not how a young lady should think. I may have to punish you, Leyla." Kane trailed kisses up my neck. "Please do, sir." I cooed. He has strange methods of teaching, but I quite enjoy his classes now. They're not boring at all. "Miss?" Salien kept her head bowed. I sighed. "Salien, can you please show Mr Anderson out?" I asked letting go of him. I looked away. I was caught like her and Hendric. My blush and smile could not be hidden. Kane turned me and gave me one more long kiss before he left me. I felt a sense of loneliness as I watched him walk away. My hand went up to my lips. If only. My feet took me to the kitchen. My father was having a cup of tea. Here goes nothing. "What is the good news.?" I asked as sat down next to him. "I am going to Paris and I am taking you." he smiled taking my hands. Joy took over. "What!? I can not wait! The museums and the sights!" I stood up. This is so amazing. "I know you would like it. We will be back in time for your wedding, so you do not need to worry and..." he stopped when he saw my face. I looked like a wounded animal. That is right. Next month is my wedding day. I..I am getting married. "Princess?" my father called to me. "I can not go. I am rethinking it." I muttered. I got on my knees "You know this is the best thing. You have so many offers and Klaus is actually your age." "Why do I have to get married to a stranger? I want to fall in love and Klaus does not know me. I am just a pretty object for him to claim father. I do not want to marry him." I lay my head on his lap. "I will talk to his father about postponing the wedding, but you need to think this through. You said it would be a good thing, but it seems that someone has come along and changed your judgment." he said softly. I sniffed. I know I was the one who wanted this, but what choice did I have? It was either him, or a dozen other men who I do not know. I have come of age and I can not live in my parents' house all my life. I need to bring a child into this world to carry on our family's name. "Do not cry. Father will take care of it. Go to bed my dear, it is late." he said helping me up. I hugged him. "Thank you father." I whispered before leaving. I left him him as I walked away with a heavy heart. Do I do my duty as the proper daughter would, or do I follow my heart and be shamed for it? Kane says so much, but will he marry in the end? Will he choose me? My mind was taking over again.

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