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"Cling!" I turned under my sheets. "Cling!" A groan passed my lips as I sat up. I stretched my arms out and licked my lips. What time is it? I looked around. It's too dark for this. "Cling!" Wwwhat? I rubbed my eyes. What in the world is that? The noise is coming from my balcony. Who could be throwing rocks at this hour? I grabbed my robe and went to my balcony. The floor is so cold. "This better be important." I complained as I flung the doors to my balcony open. "Who on earth wants to be screamed... Kane?! I'll be right down. I'm on my way." I didn't wait for him to speak. He sure does look good under the light of the moon. I passed my dressing table as I walked. "Oh no!" There are bags under my eyes. I can't go out like this. I look horrible. I went to the bathroom. Thankfully there was a pitcher of water on the counter. I poured the water into the porcelain bowl next to it. After a quick wash of the faces and brush of the hair, I hurried downstairs as quietly as I could go. The house was dead silent and thanks to Kendric, locked up tight. I used the kitchen entrance to get to the garden. "If I get caught in it I can just say that I wanted a snack." I rustled as I closed back the door. My eyes searched for the man that was just out here. I walked further into the garden. Where is he? I looked around. Kane was nowhere in sight. I hurried past the roses. "Kane?" I whispered as I walked to my balcony. This is where he stood last. Am I seeing things? Was it all just another dream? "It couldn't be." I feel defeated. I got my hopes up for nothing then. I didn't think he was the type of man to break a promise. Look at me. Out here with a long face. Over what? A man. My mother would really... "You look so sad and rejected. Do you want me to make you feel better?" I turned immediately and embraced him. "Where were you, Kane? I was so...I was worried." No, I was afraid you would let me down. His dark green coat came off and he placed it over my shoulders. That act alone made me blush. "You needn't worry about me. I'm capable of taking care of myself, Leyla." Kane assured me with his trusting tone. "I know that, but I worry. You're all by yourself and..." I hushed myself. I do worry. When I heard I was going to have a tutor I thought it was going to be an elderly man. One that has a wife to take care of him. Not a Kane that looks like he is in his mid-twenties. Before I got bored by his lessons I was actually curious about how he survived on his own. Who cooks, who cleans and who washes for him? That's a women's job after all and he's functional. I would know and he's very handsome. He should have a lady friend by now. "You care about me?" Kane asked. I stepped away and shook my head shyly. "You don't?" I shook my head again. "Then what is it? Do you care about me, or do you not? Make up your mind, Leyla." his anger started to show. I took his hand and kissed it. I don't want him to get upset. He becomes ugly when he's angry. "I do, Kane. I really do." It came out surprisingly easy. His brow lifted as if he was waiting for something. "You don't believe me?" I stepped back further. I may not act it, but I do care. I was not raised to show my emotions and for him to think that I'm lying is something. When certain things come from him they become very poisonous. I would be lying to myself if I said I did not feel like returning to my room. "You do not have to pretend around me. I know who you are and what you are about." I pushed him away. How dare he set such a loving gaze on me?! "Do not touch me! That has nothing to do with it. You're calling me a liar and I will not act as if that does not hurt me, Kane." I know I am over thinking, but his face. He looked like he didn't believe me. Does he think I am so dreadful? "I never called you a liar, Leyla." he tried again to hold me close. "Stop it. You taught me that words hold power and you can be punished for miss using them, Kane. Will you force me to the floor the next time I form an offensive sentence? One that you will find offensive?" I scoffed as I took off his overcoat.  Kane held a destroyed flame in his eyes. I thrusted his overcoat to him. He refused to take it. Instead, he took me. I fought silently even though I knew it was useless. "Stop." I whimpered after his lips drew back. He had no such intentions. He came back in. This time I decided to push against his firm chest. He cannot fix everything with pleasure. No. I cursed myself as I became weak. The wind began to howl. Ah...I shuddered as his lips slowed down. My dress had no chance. It was with the wind. Soon it was bunched up in Kane's strong hands as he pulled me even closer. I shook, helplessly, in his embrace. With dreamy eyes and out of breath is how he left me. "My dear, I did not mean to hurt you. I can be a fool sometimes. Forgive me, please? Leyla, look at me," I looked up willingly, "I would never pass that line. I only wanted to make sure." I cupped his cheeks. The wind calmed down and the clouds that hid the moon earlier passed on. "Stop..uh..ah.. doubting me, Kane." I murmured. His kiss still had me out of breath. He thinks I'm a child. I am not. "I have never once doubted you, Leyla. You have all my trust." Kane said as my thumbs caressed his cheeks. All of his thrust? His expression held honesty. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Where is this going, Kane? What are we doing? I don't understand anymore." I bit my lip as if I had been cut slightly. The sting alone from thinking that he is using me hurts more than him thinking that I am a lair. "If I told you I knew, Leyla, I would be lying. I'm as confused as you are. I am so scared of what is to come, but that is what makes me want to jump into fire even more." the lightness, but the deepness of his honey voice made me believe the same thing. That this was something we had to wait and see how it would all piece together. "Kane?" I looked up at the stars. "Yes, Leyla?" he answered my whisper. "I feel... ... never mind." I looked down quickly. "What is it? What do you feel?" he lifted my chin. He was so serious, but I couldn't. Not now. He's the wrong man. I held in my tears as I looked on as pain inched its way on to my face. "I trust you too." I summoned the strength to fill in the gaps. "Oh. That's great." Kane was not too happy with that answer, but he let it be. I looked back up at my balcony. "It's late. I think you should go back up. I do not want you to get into trouble." he sensed the need for separation. I just want to be by myself right now. "Good night." I let go of him. I felt empty as I stepped back, yet I still managed to put on a smile on my face. "Good night my dear. Dream of me?" Kane bowed. I giggled as I curtsied. "Sir Kane, not once have I not since your hands began to write letters on my skin." He nodded. Smiling like a boy on Christmas, he came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "You haunt my dreams and I am very thankful for that." Kane has a way of spinning things. We parted after that. I don't think I could stand another minute of him being so close. I am already forgetting my training. I am so glad I do not see him until next Monday. My body and mind aren't ready for him. Oh, and my heart has already fallen victim to him. 

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