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All was good and fine until my father came back. He was upset with my mother. He heard all the stories and from the mayor himself about Kane and me. "Please father, I love him." I begged him. My eyes were flooding the room. "He has nothing to his name and has turned you into a laughing stock." my father slammed his hand against the table. "It was not him. I can not live without him. Kane loves me and love him. You can not do this." I stood up. "Please dear. Kane is a good man and..." "No! I will not hear of it! My daughter will not marry a worthless.." "He is not worthless! Mother chose you even though you were nowhere perfect!" I screamed. I looked around. "I will not let you decide who I marry. I can and will make my own choices father." I put my foot down. I am sick of listening to others. No one can tell me how to live my life. I stormed out of my father's study and went to the stable. "Miss, what are you doing?!" Kendric tried to stop me from getting on to SugerMill. "Let me go, Kendric." I ordered, looking down at him. The white mare neighed widely. I clicked my tongue and she took off. I did not care who saw me. I had to get to him. Kane. I could not think of anyone else. My love. When I reached his house my hair was a mess. I hope he still finds me beautiful. "What on earth happened to you?" Kane asked opening the door. "My father. He does not want me marrying you." I huffed. "I am not letting anyone keep us apart." Kane took me in his arms. "I know, Kane." I sighed then realized what I did. I took control of my own life. I did not let my mother, father, or even a man tell what I should do. "I am sorry. Because of me, everyone is talking poorly about you." I said shrinking. "Don't worry about it, Leyla. I do not care because I do not want some other man touching your perfect skin, kiss your lush lips or even trying to love you." he mumbled. The fire that once resided in his eyes was not there. His eyes were bleak and grey. "How.... how do you feel about me?" I asked. He looked away. His cheeks were a really light shade of pink. I just realized the reason he would randomly walk away at times. "You like me." I said. Ha, he does. "I do not!" his voice cracked a bit. "You do! You like me! No, you love me." I said louder smiling like a complete idiot. I like when he says that. "I do not care about what anyone has to say. I just want you! I just want you, Leyla. From the moment I laid eyes on you. I just want to be with you. You are a smart, beautiful and you deserve so much more." he said holding on to my shoulders. "Run away with me. We can go anywhere." Kane smiled. I shook my head. Kane kissed my cheek. "Please?" he begged giving me butterfly kisses. "I… I will go." I sighed. I do not know where we were going to go, but I want to take the risk. I have to. I looked down at my stomach. I guess he has me hooked. He smiled. This time his whole face was a part of it. I hugged him. "Meet me tonight, at the bridge." he said. I nodded and kissed him. I had to go. I need to pack.


I am absolutely insane. Her father would kill me if he only knew. I looked out my window as I took a seat in my armchair. I saw the way other men looked at her. I set my gaze on my foyer. There was a knock at my door. I opened the door to the mayor and his stupid son. "Mr. Anderson." the idiot said. "Klaus." I greeted dryly. His father looked at me with detest. "May we talk to you?" he asked. I nodded and let them in. "As you know Kane, my son is engaged to the Weatherbee girl." the mayor said. "We are to be wed the next full moon." I can not stand his voice. Why would he even think that her father would ever let him have her? He may dislike me, but not enough to damn his only child. "What I am saying is that you need to stop fooling around with her." I forced back a laugh. "My apologies, sir, but she gave him back his ring. I am sorry to be playing his role." I said, my voice drenched with hate. "Ah, I see you are taking this lightly, Kane. Leyla is not one of your toys." Klaus said standing up. "No, she is not. She is my fiancée. A lovely girl that every man pines after, yet she picked me and not you. Too bad your money could not buy her. Nice effort though." I raised my glass. She is worth more to me than a plaything. That is why am I going to take her to my home and marry her. I shot my drink and then put the glass down. I presume they understand from my annoyed sneer they got their answer. "I am dreadfully sorry gents. I have a three thirty to get ready for." I grunt as I stood. I walked to the door. Klaus glared at me. I smirked. I am older than you, yet I have stolen the heart of your interest. The fact is, I dislike him a great deal. Him and his pretentious father. Leyla is mine, not by force, but by choice. I am going to protect my family at all cost.

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