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I fell on my bed. "I told him. It was amazing." I sighed. "Leyla, I know that you are happy, but you have to get ready for dinner. Klaus is coming over." Salien said trying to dress me. But I do not want to talk to Klaus. I want to talk to Kane. "I do not want to see him. I want Kane to come over." I beamed. He opened up about himself. I feel very lucky. "Leyla." Salien groaned as I hugged my blanket. "You are going to get us both into trouble." I was not listening. "He is so wonderful. He was gentle and huh. He can be so sweet when he wants to. We even prepared lunch together." I went on like a love sick school girl. "Dinner. We need to get ready." Salien warned. I laid on my stomach. "He is very handsome, Salien. I may have had my eyes on him from since day one, but I was too proud to say it." I smiled to myself. He really likes the beach. I should take him some time! It will be fun. Just the two of us, again. I like the thought of that. Just Kane and myself. I hummed softly. "Leyla, why are you not dressed yet?" my mother asked barging into my room. "I am not hungry." I said looking back at her. "She has been like this for a while Mrs. I think she is sick." Salien said feeling my forehead. I wonder if I have to wear that bathing suit I have? It is too much. How am I going to make it less is the question? I got up and found my sky blue shawl. He has already seen everything that has to be seen and it will only be us. I hummed as I found a way. I tied it around my waist. It was a little long, so it would sweep the floor. I will not have to wear my shorts. What about my breast? "What are you doing?" my mother asked. "She must be getting worst Mrs." Salien said trying to stop me. "This is it!" I cheered. I found a much smaller shawl. I took of my stays. Oh my wow. I like. A bit much, but Kane is a visionary after all. My mother stopped my parading and helped Salien dress me. "I do not want to." I wailed taking off the red silk net. "How old are you? We have guest coming and you need to calm your future husband down." my mother carried on. "He and I are never getting married. I value my life way too much." I got back in my bed. The only man I want to touch me is Kane Anderson. Leyla Anderson had a subtle ring to it. "What has gotten into you? You can not go back on this now. You wanted to marry him." my mother said dragging me off my bed. "I reject this, I will not marry that airhead. I want a man who cares, who can give me his heart and..." "Kane really did a number on you." my mother sighed. Salien sat down. She looked faint. I got up and put on the net. It had short sleeves and was from Britain. It was embroidered at the hem, collar and sleeves with yellow chenille thread. A red ribbon made it into a high waist dress. "I am a fool for empire styled dresses." I giggled losing all the color in my face. "Please child, you came home every time talking about him. No matter if you were talking about how boring he was. It must have grown into something much stronger recently. You two seemed to be drawn to each other at the dinner table the other night." she said going to my hair. I started to laugh. It was pained and greatly forced. "The man is a bore. He talks and talks. I try so hard not to fall asleep sometimes." I chuckled not looking into the mirror. "You are blushing. I am no fool. You spent all night waiting for him." "I was waiting for my father." "You say, but you asked to escort him out. Too bad you two decided it would be a smart idea to lock lips in your parents' house." Salien stumbled to her feet. She floated over to us. "It is okay. I can do this" my mother said rejecting her help. "Lock lips? Me and Kk..Kane? I can not imagine doing such a thing." I stuttered looking at Salien for help. She passed on a worried look over to my mother. "Let mommy tell you a little secret. Men are like little children. They always want more and when they see that they do not have to throw a tantrum to get what they want, they move on. Klaus has never ever laid a hand on you, but as of late you refuse to let me give you a bath. Salien is a very good friend. Never give Kane the chance to wonder. He is a very good looking man and he has a way with his tongue. Be wary of a man with muscles and be scared of a man with brains. You, my dear, have fallen upon a man with both assets." my mother warned. I was speechless. She is actually right. "Time to go. I will talk to your father. I heard from Klaus' mother that he brought you a bunny. He may be horrible at gifts, but he shows interest in too many girls at the theater." I have the best mother a girl could possibly want. "Miss, Kane is here. He has the book you requested last week." Charles said as Salien opened the door. "I will be right back." I blushed following Charles. He’s here!? I could hear voices in the sitting room. I took a peek. Kane was regaling the men on a hunting trip. I walked in. Is my dress too much? Klaus' mother greeted me with a bitter smile. "Good evening." I smiled going up to my father. "Princess, you look..." "Magnificent?" Kane helped. My father nodded patting him on the back. What is going on here? They seem chummy all of a sudden. "Leyla, you look wonderful." Klaus took my hands. "Thank you." I smiled charmingly. Kane had a lovely little box with him. "Is that for me?" I asked. I tilted my head questionably. Of course it is. "Let us leave the youths to their conversation." Klaus' father said. The adults went into the dining room. “The youths”. Sounds like an activist group. Klaus brought me to the armchair. Another box. Please let it be something good. I do not want Kane to get into trouble. I carefully opened the wrapped box. Oh, this is cute. It was a necklace. "It is lovely." I said picking it up. I put it back. I really want to see if I really was going to get the book I asked for. It was a science book. There are things I do not know and Kane said he would lend it to me. Kane handed me the package. It is the book! I giggled girlishly. Wait. Notes? "A book?" Klaus scoffed. He took a wary step back when Kane turned to him. "Kane, are these your notes?" I asked taking his hand. "Yes. I thought you would love to get an experts opinion, so I got one of my friends who work at the Kinsley University to come by." I bit my lip. Kinsley They not only have the best art field, but Science as well. I got up and put the book down. "When is he coming? I want to know about the research that they did at the clinic in Russia. I have been reading up on it and..." I cleared my throat. Kane was very amused. "He will be happy to give you a little insight. His trip to Rome was also something to hear about." I gasped. Is he talking about Dr. Newman!? I shook him. "You are the most amazing person ever! Thank you so much!" I hugged him. He's the best.

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