Chapter 6

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Caitlyn POV


Geez Grace has been gone for a long time. When Grace left, me and Makinley decided to have a girls night. We played our favorite movie. Frozen.

We ordered pizza, and took quizzes in magazines and on the internet. Since we also loved the movie Divergent, we took a quiz to see what faction we'd be in.

I'd be Divergent, but my highest percentage was 55% Dauntless and Makinley was the same except her percentage was 60% Dauntless.

I'd been texting Cole while Grace was gone. We decided that whe'd all meet at the pool tomorrow and play truth or dare, and have contests and things like that.

We had stopped texting at the beginning of the movie, because he said he was tired and had to go get some sleep.

I was kind of hurt that he didn't want to text me as much as I wanted to text him, but I guess it's alright since were not dating or anything.

Right when Elsa was about to run away, Grace barged into the room with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm guessing it went well?" Makinley laughed.

"Ye..... Yeah." Grace said very out of breath.

"What, did you sprint up the stairs or something?" I asked.

"N....No. Baylor.... He....He...."

"Well c'mon lady. Spit it out already!" Makinley joked.


"What??" Me and Makinley said at the same time.

"Baylor kissed me oh-"

"Baylor kissed you!!! But you just met! Oh my gosh are guys like a thing?" Makinley said jumping up and down and shaking Graces shoulders. "Tell me tell me tell meeee!!!"

"He only kissed me on the cheek,It's not that big of a deal!"

"Uh.... YEAH it's a big deal!" I said maybe a little too loud.

"Ok fine. Maybe it is, but he also asked if I was doing anything on Sunday night!!"

"Well, what did you say?!"

"I said yes if that's alright with you guys?"

"Of course it is!" I said.

"Yes!" Said Makinley.

"I might have found out some very important and exciting information too" Said Grace mocking us.

"Well are you going to tell us, or do you want me to die of curiosity?"

"I actually wouldn't mind if you accidentally happened to-"

"Graceeeee" Makinley whined. She can't stand to not know something.

One time I didn't tell her something and she was on the verge of pulling out all of her hair. She was a mess. She actually had gone to school in her pajamas and didn't even bother to brush her hair. We've learned not to keep things from her for too long.

"Well Baylor had asked me where we lived, and I told him, and he said that him and the guys actually live in Fairhope!"

"Ahhhh!" "Really!" "Oh my gosh!" "That's so awesome!" "So we will still be able to see each other!"

Me and Makinley were so excited we were just spitting out random phrases. No one else would be able to understand anything we were saying because we kept talking over each other.

"Yup. We also talked about going to the county fair when it roles around in the fall!"

"I can't believe i'm saying this, but I actually can't wait till summers over, just so fall will come and we can hang out with them more!!" Makinley said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Alright, I told you what I did, now what did y'all do while I was gone?"

We told her about frozen and our quizzes, and I told her and Makinley about mine and Coles texts. They got excited and wanted to read them.

We didn't talk for that long, but we did get to know each other a little better.

They texted Baylor and John Stephen and asked them if they still want to hang out at the pool tomorrow.

"Awww look" Makinley said handing me her phone.


Hey! Y'all still up for hanging out at the pool tomorrow?

John Stephen

How could we say no ;)

"He's sooooo sweet!!" Makinley cooed.

"Cole said he'd love to too"

"Good, tell them we'll text them tomorrow when we're ready."

"Well while you guys are obsessing over your boy toys, I'm gonna go hit the hay." Said Grace walking into our room and flopping on the bed.

I was really tired too. As soon as my face hit the pillow, I was out.

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