Chapter 15

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Baylor POV

With my hands wrapped around her waist, I lift her up on the underwater bench just beneath the waterfall.

The moon is bright tonight and I can see her face perfectly through the darkness. I love the way that her eyes are wide open and are looking at me with pure curiosity and admiration. Her wet hair rests on one side of her shoulders, and she doesn't have any makeup on. I like this side of her. She seems like she doesn't care what people think of her, she seems like she's not trying to hide who she really is.

I'm so glad she agreed to come meet me here. I can't resist leaning in and touching my lips to hers. They're soft and gentle and they move in synch with mine. I climb up beside her, not breaking us apart, and put my hand behind her ear, pulling us closer.

When we pull apart her cheeks are flushed and her eyes flutter open. Her warm, heavy breaths match mine, and she's giving me the biggest smile I've ever seen. I'm sure I look the same way.

She leans up against me, resting her head on my chest, and I wrap my arm around her rubbing small circles on her back. This night not could not get anymore perfect.

I have never met a girl that I care so much about. I can't even imagine what my life would be like if John Stephen had never convinced me to come here. Lonely. It would be lonely if Grace wasn't in my life. I have had more fun in this past week with her, than I've had in my whole life. I need to make sure I don't ever do anything that would make her not want to stay with me. I don't think I can go back to life before this.

My eyes slowly start to flutter shut, when a bright light is flashed onto us. I guess I spoke to soon about my perfect night.

"You." The old security guard points to me. These guys just will not give up on us. They might as well because i'm just going to keep causing trouble, so they should save their time and quit now. They always have to butt in when me and Grace are having fun. First at coral world, and now here. This definitely won't be the last time we are going to have fun, that's for sure.

"I don't know who you are, but you're still in trouble, but you!" He says more angrily pointing to Grace.

"I warned you that if you came to the pool you would be breaking the rules, yet here you are making out underneath the waterfall." She flushes and looks up at me, asking for help.

"Look man, it's not her fault." I try convincing him, so that hopefully we won't get into to much trouble.He rolls his eyes, not buying it.

"Sure it's not. You're in trouble missy!" He turns around and a lightbulb clicks in my head.

I grab Graces arm and pull her away from getting out of the pool, and following the old creep. I sit her on my back and she wraps her arms around my neck. I quietly go underwater and start swimming over to where we left our towel and bags.

I jump out of the water, and lean a hand down to pull her out too.

"Baylor!" She pleas. "He knows where my room is!"

"It's ok, you can stay with me tonight, just put your shirt on." I actually really like the idea of her spending the night with me.

She quickly agrees, and I grab my flip flops, forgetting that the rest of my clothes are still on the platform in the middle of the pool. I guess i'll get John Stephen to grab them for me tomorrow. I definitely am not risking running into this guy again.

When I turn around to see if he saw us escape, the plump old man is halfway over here.

I grab Graces hand and start running toward the stairs. I sling open the door, and take two steps at a time.

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