Chapter 3

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Grace's POV

We pulled up into the airport and checked in. The ground started rumbling and for a second I thought there was going to be another earthquake! It turned out it was jut a plane taking off.

This is my first time to fly on a plane,and to be honest, I'm terrified.

"Dino why are you giving the plane dirty looks" Teased Makinley.

"It won't bite!" She chuckled.

I'm usually not scared this easily, but just the thought of being thousands of feet up in the air, in something that weighs tons and tons of pounds, kinda creeps me out. At any second, something could go wrong and we could fall to our death. Just thinking about it sends shivers down my back.

Makinley looked at our tickets.

"13 A,B,and C."

We dragged our bags up the steps and she led us towards our seat and plopped down. She sat in the window seat, I sat in the middle and Caitlyn sat in the isle seat. A couple of seconds later we started moving backwards and onto the runway.

"Please make sure your seatbelt it securely fastened and your tray table is in the upright position." The flight attendant explained. She must get tired of saying that all day, every day.

A jolt of the plane made me jump in my seat.

"Relax Grace, we're just taking off." Said Caitlyn closing her eyes and resting her head against the back of her seat.

I tried closing my eyes too. Maybe it would help. The plane started picking up speed, and forced me to lean back. I glanced out the window and almost threw up. We were slanted up and were no longer on the ground. I leaned over Makinley, practically laying on top of her. People walking around looked like tiny ants and trees were just a big green blur.

Soon we were inside the clouds and I could no longer see the ground.

"Okay passengers, welcome to flight 3665. Today we will be playing the movie Frozen, and then The Hunger Games. It is now ok to turn on all electronic devices."

I pulled out my phone and Caitlyn and Makinley plugged their headphones into the arm rests. If I tried to watch a movie on this, I would get sick.

Maybe it would be best if I tried to take a nap. The engines are really loud and create a constant buzzing noise that's hard to ignore. My eyes slowly flittered shut and..

"Cause for the first time in Forever!!!" "they'll be laughter they'll be joy!!"

Caitlyn and Makinley started giggling as I let out a small scream.

"For a big ole mighty dinosaur, you sure do get scared easily!" Caitlyn teased.

"It's only because dinosaurs went extinct during an airplane crash." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Yes because every day you see a velociraptor steering a plane."

We all laughed. "Have y'all seen the pilots yet?" I asked. I knew I had them trapped.

"No" They replied in sync.



"Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing." The flight attendant said as the plane dipped down, making my stomach do flip flops.

The second we hit the ground the pilot pulled the brakes.

"It's usually not this bad during landings," Makinley said. "The pilot only has a little amount of time to slow the plane down. At the end of the runway is the ocean, and since the island isn't that big, the runway is tiny too."

We slowed down pretty fast and then made a couple of turns.


When I stepped off the plane I got blasted with HOT air.

"It's this temperature during the winter down here." Said Makinley skipping to the baggage claim.

The smell of sweet flowers and ocean water took over. The sun was shining and you could hear small waves crashing against the rocks at the end of the runway.

If the airport was this nice, I couldn't wait to see the hotel!

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