Chapter 16

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Caitlyn POV

Ugh. This thunder is way to loud for my taste. It just won't stop, it keeps on going and going, getting louder each time. A flash of lightning strikes, and I realize that that's not thunder I'm hearing. What in the world?

I sit up and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. This noise needs to stop. Like now, or I'm going to have a serious headache. I trudge down the hall to Graces room, to see if it's her making the noise. I quietly open the door and peer inside.

What? Her bed is empty and her pajamas are strewn across the floor. Being the neat freak that I am, I toss her clothes into the hamper and walk across the hall to Makinley's room. Her bed is empty too, but her room looks like a tornado just passed through, and dumped all of her belongings onto the floor. She's out of luck because there's no way I am cleaning this up. The noise is getting louder, and I can feel the throbbing in the back of my head.

I need to find out where it's coming from, and then I can worry about where everybody went.

The kitchen and bathrooms are empty, so the only place it could be coming from is outside. I walk to the front door and look out the peephole. A plump old security guard stands outside, soaking wet and about to break our door down with is fist.

I hope Makinley and Grace are ok, and that this security guard isn't here to tell me bad news. By the angry look on his face, It's more likely that one of them got in trouble, and didn't hurt someone.

I want to tell him to be quiet, but I don't want to open the door if I'm the only one here. He could be trying to hurt me, or other stuff that I don't want to think about. Hopefully if I ignore him, he will go away.

I stalk back to my room to try and figure out where Grace and Makinley ran off too. I try calling them first, but both go straight to voicemail, so I'm guessing their phones are off.

They would tell me if they left on purpose. Right? Now thoughts about something terrible happening are running through my head. I try calling them a couple more times, hoping it will work, but sadly that's not the case this time. Now I'm really starting to worry. I pace back and forth in my room, trying to figure out what to do next.

Oh wait! I can text Cole to see if they are at the guys condo. Knowing Grace, that's probably where she is, but Makinley's not like that. Maybe she saw Grace leave and followed her, and forgot to tell me. I sure hope that's the case, because if they are outside, who knows what could happen to them out there in that blizzard of a storm. I need to stop thinking about the bad things and see if they are there. I hope I'm just all worked up for nothing.


Hey Cole! Are you up


Cole are you there!


Please answer

On any normal day people are on their phones 24/7, yet the moment I need someone, anyone, to answer their phone, everybody's doing something else. I guess I can call him to see if that works.

It rings a couple of times, and I'm about to hang up when his raspy voice answers on the other end.

"Hello?" Aw his morning voice is so cute! Focus Caitlyn, Focus.

"Hey Cole it's Caitlyn."

"Why are you calling me at almost 3 in the morning?" He grunts then yawns.

"Well someone's in a bad mood" I whisper to myself so he can't hear me.

"Well I woke up to a noise, and I realized that Grace and Makinley aren't in the condo."

"And..." He's in a really bad mood. I'm really trying not to loose my temper with him. I take a deep breath before responding.

"And... I was wondering if you know where they are."

"Nope." I sigh because he's not cooperating very well.

"But maybe I can check our condo to see if they are with Baylor or John Stephen." He says finally catching on to where I was going with this conversation.

"Thank you, that would be great." I say with a smile, even though he can't see me. I hear shuffling and then a door creaking open. He gasps and drops his phone on the floor. What does he see! Are they there? Are they ok!

"Cole! Cole what is it? Do I need to come over there? Please answer!" I shout into the phone. It doesn't work so I hang up and pull some clothes on, then run out the door. There's no time for the elevator, so I guess I'll have to take the stairs. I'm not concentrating on where I am going, and run right into somebody on the second floor.

"Sorry" I say the tall muscular man.

"Whoah whoah whoah! Where are you going?" He grabs my arm and turns me around. He's a younger version of the old security guard. He's more fit, and really tall.

"Oh I'm just going to see a friend." I half lie half tell the truth. The condo is so close, maybe if I yank my arm away and...

"Ok. I'll walk you to their room, because you never know what kind of people could be out here this late." I was expecting him to chew me out, but I'm glad he didn't. It's actually a little creepy that he wants to walk me to their room. And he doesn't want me to run into creepy people? Looks like I already have.

"Oh well actually their condo isn't that far away and I think..." Before I can finish my sentence he pushes me forward forcing me to walk to their room. Ok then. These people need to learn to mind their own business.

We stop at the door and I knock. I hear people talking, and it sounds like Grace and Makinley, but I can't really tell. Hopefully they are both in there and are ok. Nobody comes so I knock louder, and the talking stops. Cole opens the door, and I run past him to see if Makinley and Grace are ok. The security guard follows me, running just as fast.

Cole tries to stop him from coming any further, but the man is taller and stronger than him, and brushes him aside.

"Aha! I knew you guys would come back here!" The security guard shouts and points at a soaking wet Baylor and Grace. What? How does he know them. Everybody has a lot of explaining to do. This trip was supposed to be fun, and it has, but we've had more bad times than good so far.

When I went to bed tonight, I definitely didn't expect this. I look around. Cole is standing next to the wide open door, in only his boxers and socks. Makinley and John Stephen are next to each other sitting on the back of the couch facing Grace and Baylor, who are drenched and wearing their swimsuits.

The security guard stomps over to them and grabs them each by the arm, dragging them behind him, like a couple of puppies on a leash.

"You guys are in a bunch of trouble, I hope you know that." He rubs in their faces.

"Where are we going?" Asks Grace. Of course that's the thing that she's worried about. We have about a million other problems, and that's the first things she asks.

"To talk to the manger for your punishment." He smirks and drags them out the door.

Everybody else follows them, and I can't help but ask what I've been wondering all night.

"What were y'all doing? Where were you guys? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's a long story." Sighs Grace as she trudges after the man and into the room. It has a big couch on one side of the room, and two chairs in front of a large Wooden desk in the center of the room. A big black chair is on the other side and degrees and photos cover the white wall behind it.

The security guard throws Grace and Baylor into the seats and locks the door. There's no leaving now. I sit on the couch next to Cole, and he wraps his fingers through mine.

"So are you going to tell us the story?"

"It's pretty long." She says moving her chair to face me.

The door opens and the manager walks in.

"We've got plenty of time."

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