Chapter 14

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Grace POV

Cole had gotten back from the hospital a couple of hours ago, and since then, we decided we would take the next couple of days easy.

We have already been here for a week, but it feels so much shorter than that. Time flys when you're hanging out with people you love. Especially when those people include Baylor.

We were going to go out by the pool, but we figured it may affect Cole. The rest of our day was pretty boring if I have to say so myself. We mostly sat on the couch and watched TV all day, only stopping for food and bathroom breaks.

The only thing that wasn't boring, was staring at Baylor as he laughed and made fun of commercials. I love the way that when he laughs, his nose scrunches up and he throws his head back a little.

It was getting late, and we said our goodbyes to each other as we walked back to our rooms. As the elevator rose up the flights, Baylor leaned over and whispered in my ear, so that no one else could hear.

"Take a quick nap, and then check your phone around 11:00." Before I could question him about why I couldn't just sleep like a normal person, the elevator dings and he steps off winking at me.

"I'm so glad he was ok!" Says Caitlyn opening the door to our room a couple of minutes later. She says some other stuff, but I can't pay attention because my mind keeps wandering off to why Baylor would want me to check my phone?

"So do you Grace?" Asks Makinley, looking at Caitlyn and trying to hide a smile. Since I wasn't listening to their earlier conversation, I just guessed it was something good.

"Uh... Yeah I do." When I reply they both bust out laughing.

"What?" I ask when their fit of giggles ends.

"I saw that you weren't paying attention, so I asked if you liked to pick your nose, and you said yes!" She says bursting into laughter again. Typical Makinley, she's always looking for an opportunity to make fun of me.

"Anyway, now that you're done with your silly tricks, I'm tired, and going to bed." I say, and I mean it. I didn't get much sleep last night either, but I don't think Caitlyn got any sleep at all.

I turn off the light right when Makinley is walking across the room. I hear a loud thud and then her laughing her head off. I turn it back on and she is on the floor next to the desk, trying to say something, but nothing comes out because she is laughing too hard.

"That desk moved!" She says climbing back up and kicking the desk with her foot.

"No you're just a clumsy person." I say turning the light back off, and climbing into bed. I'm not in a very good mood, because I was really looking forward to doing something fun today. Hopefully meeting Baylor tonight will make up for it. I change into my pj's and close my eyes, hoping to get a little sleep before 11:00.

I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep until my phone started vibrating on the desk. I pick it up and read what it says.


Grace! Are you up!!


Yeah. Why did you want me to wake up at 11:00?


I have a surprise for you


Really!?! Tell meeeee!!!!!!


Nope :) You'll have to find out yourself!

I hate when he won't tell me things! It irritates me so much! The tiredness that I felt earlier is now long gone, and I'm now anxious and excited. Whatever he wants, it better be something good because my body could use the sleep that he's taking away from me.

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