Chapter 17

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Grace POV

I left my condo tonight thinking that me and Baylor would spend time together and then a couple hours later we would leave and go to sleep. Instead we are sitting across from an old man in a suit who looks like he could punch through a wall any second now.

I'm desperately in need of some sleep, but it doesn't look like I will be getting that any time soon. I lean back in my chair and wait for the yelling and arguing to begin. I look over and catch Baylor starring at me. He looks just as tired as I feel. He reaches across the seat and takes my hand in his.

The man across the desk stands up and unlocks the door.

"We don't need an audience, so you guys can go back to your room." He hastily says motioning Cole, Caitlyn, John Stephen, and Makinley, out the door.

They easily oblige and trudge out. The man waits until they are gone before slamming the door and towering above me and Baylor. He grabs our wrists and yanks our hands away from each other, then scoots my chair farther away from Baylor's. Rude much?

The plump security guard that I have ran into one too many times now, walks over to the managers desk and slams his palms down making a loud slap echo through the big room. I jump in my chair a little and look at Baylor. He gives me a reassuring smile, that makes me feel a little bit better. I'm glad that he's here with me, otherwise I would be freaking out right now.

"I demand that these... these juvenile teenagers get banned from this hotel for good! They have caused me too much trouble, and I just can't keep putting up with them! They only care about themselves, and don't mind hurting other people just to get what they want!" He screams and I can't help but giggle because his face looks like a tomato.

"Woah. Excuse you!" Says Baylor as he jumps up out of his seat. "You don't know me at all! I came here to have fun with my girlfriend, and all you have done is try to my make our trip miserable!" I may have zoned out when Baylor called me his girlfriend. I had been wondering if it was official or not. I think back to all the happy times we have had, considering we had just recently met. I remember the day when I first met him. He had ridden on the same safari as us, and the second our eyes met, I knew there would be something special between us.

"Stop fighting!" Says the manager bringing me back to reality. He separates Baylor and the security guard, then motions for them to both take a seat.

The guard plops onto the couch and I stick my tongue out at him when he isn't looking. I'm acting like a little kid. I think I'm going delirious from the lack of sleep. The second we get out of this stuffy room, I am going to snuggle up with a warm blanket and hit the hay.

The manager comes between me and Baylor and rests his hand on the back of my chair.

Before he can continue talking, there is a knock at the door. Who in the world is up at this hour? I hope Makinley and Caitlyn didn't come back. That would just dig us deeper in his hole.

The manager opens the door and Neely walks in with her boyfriend right behind her.

"Is everything ok? Me and Harry were walking by and heard screaming." She is acting like she knows the manager.

Then it hits me. Now I know why Harry looked familiar. He has the same green eyes and tall structure as the manager. I remember Makinley telling me about Neely's boyfriend, and if I'm correct, he's the managers son. Maybe he can help us.

She doesn't wait for him to answer before turning around, and smiling at me.

"Hi Grace!" She says all cheery.

"Hey." I weakly reply, my eyes starting to flutter shut. I really don't see how she can be so happy this early in the morning.

"What's going on? Is everything ok?" She turns around to the manager asking again.

"Well Blake keeps reporting problems about these too." He confesses, nodding towards the old security guard, who I guess his name is Blake. He has to know Harry, or he wouldn't be telling them all of this personal information.

"Oh. Like what?" She asks.

"These kids are disobeying rules! They ran from me when I told them to come here, and didn't listen when I told them the pool was already closed!" Screams Blake, for what seems like the thousandth time tonight. He needs to learn how to mind his own business and keep his mouth shut for once.

"I'm sure they didn't mean to do anything to anybody. I know them, and they are good people." She says and I sit up straighter in my seat. Maybe she can get us out of here after all.

"Did they hurt anybody?" She questions the plump tomato. That's my new nickname for 'Blake' since he is big and is always mad. What am I saying? I'm thinking like a two year old! I need to get out of here before I go insane!

"No but-"

"Then they shouldn't be in that much trouble right? I'm sure they did nothing to harm anybody." Neely interjects. Her showing up saved us BIG time.

"We were just trying to have a little fun, and didn't do anything too serious." Baylor cuts in. He must be ready to get out of here too.

"You guys do prove a very good point," Agrees the manager "But you're still going to be punished for breaking the rules." He needs to hurry it up, I just want this night to be over already.

"You guys are banned from the pool for the next five days," I let out a sigh of relief. I'm just glad they didn't kick us out of the condo. That would have been bad. "With that being said, you are free to go."

I don't take a moments hesitation. I am up and out of my chair before anyone can change their mind. I grab Baylor's hand and pull him out with me. Neely and Harry follow, laughing at how fast I got out of there.

I peeped my head back and said thank you. The manager nodded, and Blake shot me daggers. Whoops. I probably want to try and avoid him for the next couple of days. The only bad thing about us getting off the hook so easy is that he knows which room we are in.

When we were far enough from the room I turned to face Neely.

"Thanks, you really saved us in there!"

"No problem!" She cheerfully answered.

"It's easy when your dad is the manager." Says Harry, speaking up for the first time tonight. So I was right!

"What were you guys even doing up this late at night?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Well we were going back to our room when we saw you guys being dragged like little puppies behind Blake." She explains "I remembered you from that day that we met on the dock. We followed you then waited outside until we thought it was time to rescue you guys."

"Well we're glad you did!" I say smiling at her. I lean into Baylor's shoulder, and his strong arms wrap around me, making it a little easier to walk.

"Thank you again." I say when we reach Baylor's room.

"Really it was no problem, since you guys are banned from the pool, maybe all of us could go out sometime!" She says.

"Yeah, I'll text you tomorrow!" I say.

"Ok!" she says embracing me in a hug, that I was not expecting at all. She almost knocked me over, but thankfully Baylor was standing behind me. I never would have expected her to be the huggable type.

Me and Baylor walked inside to find Caitlyn and Cole asleep on a lounge chair, and Makinley and John Stephen knocked out on the smaller couch. We will have to tell them the good news in the morning.

I plop down on the larger couch, not even bothering to change or shower. The last thing I remember before completely blacking out was Baylor's arm around my waist, and his heavy breaths on my neck.

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