Talking About Each Other (Rubia And Suzy)

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(It's been a few weeks since Rubi and Danny started their relationship. Each of them bragged about each other to the ones that believed them, Suzy and Arin. Suzy and Rubia are both lounging on the couch)

"So how were things for you and Danny all these weeks?", Suzy asked Rubia. "Well, pretty funny if you asked me.", Rubi replied. Suzy gave her a confusing look. "Whatcha mean?", she asked. "Suzy, you wouldn't believe what I've did with him, last Saturday, I pranked him! I left him a bowl of Skittles, instead of the regular ones, I replaced them with the sour Skittles. He was nearly pissed off by that, I laughed so hard!", Rubia said. "Oh my gosh, I bet he pranked you back.", Suzy chuckled. "Hell yeah, he did the same thing, except with Jolly Ranchers.", Rubi replied.

*sudden pause*

"But haven't you two done anything romantic together?", Suzy asked. "Yeah, a few times.", Rubi shrugged, "We went on a dinner date, then to a movie, the usual, Suzy." "Anything else fun-ish?" , Suzy asked. "Oh yeah, I just remembered, I went to my friend Anabel's house to play games with her, her boyfriend Paul, Zach, Mykila, and other friends. Poor Danny was asleep on the couch 'cause he was tired from driving that night.", Rubia replied. "D'awww.", Suzy awed. "I kept my sharp eye on him.", Rubi said.

"I think you make a pretty good girlfriend just to anyone, especially Dan. He's so happy to have you as his.", Suzy said. "I know, he loves me 'til us part.", Rubi shyly uttered lightly blushing. "Well Arin and I are hoping that you'll stay together as long as you both shall live on this earth.", Suzy replied.
" 'Til death do we part, it's a promise!", Rubia chirped.

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