Danny Will Be Okay

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As soon as everyone arrived back at the Grumpspace, they headed their separate ways. Before leaving, Arin announced, "Remember to come in around 11 tomorrow morning!" "You already know my deal!", Rubia called. "We know, see you all then!", Arin replied and everyone headed in their own directions back home.

Rubi's POV

I heard Danny sigh a little as I kept driving the RV. I told him before we got in to not worry himself and that soon enough, we'll find a way to clear his visions. "I can't help not worrying about what's possibly gonna happen to me. I just can't!", he cried. "You're gonna be alright....promise.", I replied. "If only there was a way to get rid of these blue visions.", he huffed.

I sighed a little bit. "I'll take you to a psychiatrist tomorrow, I made an early appointment for 9.", I said, "I know you're not insane, but the one I know may be able to help you. Trust me, she's great with all of her patients." Danny sadly sighed, he knew this was coming. "Ok fine, I guess she'll be able to help me.", he said.

I smiled at that saying, but he doesn't even know that I lied. He's not gonna see a psychiatrist tomorrow, but something different will happen. "Listen sweetheart, when we get home, I just want you to relax and go to bed.", I advised Danny. "I will, I promise. Hopefully I'm not weepy by then", he said.

(Minutes after getting home, both are quietly in bed)

Danny's POV

Relax, said she, calm your mind. Taking deep breaths, I slowly began to relax at little. "See, aren't you okay now?", Rubi asked. I nodded. "I do feel a little better.", I replied. "Good....now go to sleep, babe. I love you...", she babbles laying on my chest. "I love you too, hunny boo.", I said. I watched as she shut her sweet little eyes, and then I shut mine.

(Dream mode)

I was in the middle of the street, with no one around....I mean no one in my sight, no Arin, no Ross, not even my own girl. I walked safely to a sidewalk trying not to get hurt. Until I heard gunshots out of nowhere, I was frightened by the threatening sounds and ran away as fast as possible, unfortunately I tripped, hurting my ankle and bruising my now bloody face.

I attempted to get up multiple times, yet I haven't succeeded, but after several tries, I finally rose. I painfully limped my way across the street from where I was. I stopped to rest because I couldn't bare the pain no longer. Then I heard screeching from far away, reminded me of the time I got hit by an uncontrollable car. The noise grown closer and closer and by then it was close to where I laid.

Fortunately, the uncontrollable car passed me by, I felt so relieved breathing heavily. 'Thank God that the car didn't hit me.', I thought. I decided to attempt to walk, my ankle felt less limp. But then I turned around to see someone mysterious holding a gun in front of me. I hardly saw him because....my eyes were blurry....and blue. "W-who are you?", I asked the guy. "You're the one who has blue visions.....you shall die!", the guy answered. "But---", I said, but he already shot me dead.


Rubia's POV

My head accidentally hit the dashboard because Danny woke up with such shock panting heavily. "Babe, are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt your head!", he panicked. "Don't worry, I'm fine, but are you okay, what's wrong?", I asked him.  He took slow deep breaths trying to calm down. "Hun....I had a nightmare.", he said. "A nightmare you say? Tell me what happened.", I replied. Dan sighed softly.

"Well, I was in the middle of the street....and I heard gunshots from out of nowhere. I started running, but then I fell, my face and ankle were hurting.... so severely. I tried getting up several times and I finally did, making my way across the street from where I laid.", he explains. "Ok, ok, this is going somewhere....keep going, Danny.", I say.

"So then, there was an uncontrollable car, it looked similar to the one I got hit with. By the time it came by me, it passed me by....", he said, he then laid quietly. "And? What happened after?", I asked him, I saw that his eyes were starting to brim with tears. He then started sniffling. "T-then I turned around and....there was a...a guy in a hoodie, with a gun in his hand...in front of my face.", he spoke, "And then he....h-he..." "He shot you, didn't he?", I calmly asked. He nodded in reply and began to cry.

"Aww Danny.....Danny it's ok, it was just a bad dream.", I consoled him. "I know, but I was terrified. Sorry if I accidentally hit your head from jerking up.", he wept.
"It's ok, I'm alright, but you're not.", I replied, brushing away his tears. "I want to be normal again, babe. And if anyone assumed that I had a superpower or something, I'd tell them no.", Dan cried. "Even if seeing visions weren't a supernatural power, you'd tell them that you're not crazy.", I said to him. He rested his weary head on my lap.

'My poor baby, what am I gonna about him? If there's no way to cure his visions, he'll be stuck with him for the remainder of his life. I've gotta do something before the others take action.', I thought as a ran my tiny fingers through Dan's curly hair. "Leigh, don't cry, it's ok......shhh you're alright. You'll be fine", I cooed. "How, babe?", he muffled. "There will be a way, hun, I promise you there will.", I said, "Just calm down for a bit right now, and try to go back to sleep if you can."

Danny slowly rose up from my lap sniffling. "In case I have another nightmare, could I wake you up if necessary?", he asked looking at me with tired red eyes. "Of course you can, baby heart. Y'know, sometimes when I can't sleep right away, I stay up a little bit.", I reply. "You stay up way more than expected though, love.", Dan cooed. "I know....but I wanna help you now.", I responded, "I wanna help you get over those visions."

"But I won't even know how sadly!", Dan whinned slouching on his side of the bed. "Exactly. That's the point, Dan, you're not suppose to know.", I replied, he looked like he was gonna cry again, he sighed with much sorrow.

"Relax, hunbun, I understand that you're under pressure and pretty stressed over it, but don't worry about it too much...you're gonna be okay soon, I believe it!", I calmly said, then I leaned over and pecked his cheek, he smiled a little and I smiled back. "Okay, I won't worry about this situation anymore.", he said. "That's my Danny boy. Now let's try to get some sleep. I might even think about that psychiatrist tomorrow morning.", I reply. I scooch down,  laying on his chest. "Goodnight, Rubiphire. I love you.", he whispers. "I love you too, Leigh.", I whisper back, then we drifted off.

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