😖Individual Insanity Part 2😖

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(As soon as the Grumps arrived at the door, a guard stood there, he looked quite familiar to Rubia. The guard wore a blue uniform shirt, black slacks, a black tie and dress shoes)

3rd Person

"Hey, hey, hey, well look who it is. Rocko Socko, my main man!", Rubia cheerfully said sliding herself down Dan's back to greet the guard. "That name sounds----wait...Rubiphire? Garnet? Girl is that really you?", the guard questioned. "Yeah, bud, you remember me! I was one of the voluntary college football cheerleaders for your team, the Pumas!", Rubia replied. "Oh my goodness, it is YOU!!!", the guard exclaimed looking down at Rubia, "You look like you haven't changed a bit!" "Unfortunately I haven't, laugh out loud.", Rubia chuckled.

"Are you here to see Othello tonight with your lovely group of friends?", the guard asked. "Yeah, Rocky boy, we all love Shakespeare's works!", Rubi replied excitingly. Rocky then looked down at his watch. "Geez guys, it's er, pretty early....I guess you guys want like front row seats.", he said. "We sure do!", Arin assured. "Well this is what my boss told me....if any arrives earlier than expected time, scan their tickets and let them in.", Rocky explained. Everyone then immediately took out their tickets. "Alright, scan away, my man!", Rubi said.

Danny's POV

Minutes after we were let in, I felt a little light headed for some reason and I thought I was gonna faint. "Geez, it's been a while since I was here for a concert. A Katy Perry one at that!", stated Rubia. "Who did you go with?", Holly asked her. "I went with my friends Karmen and Mykila. They were lucky to have me because I was like....their bodyguard....in case crazy fans hurt us.", Rubi said.

With every step I took, I felt weaker and limp. My head suddenly felt dizzy and my knees felt so unstable, that I fell on them faintly as I moaned in pain. Everyone turned to me, Rubi rushed to me. "Danny, are you okay, what happened?", she asked me. "Ok ok, I confess! I've been seeing blue visions, I saw the flashbacks happen before my very own eyes, and they were sad flashbacks!", I confessed. Everyone looked at each other then back at me.

"Dan, why didn't you tell us before we got in here?", Suzy asked. "Because I thought any of you wouldn't believe me, even if I did tell you before.", I faintly replied. "Dan, we'd still believe you.", Arin told me. "I know....I'm sorry, guys.", I apologized. "The next time something is going wrong to you, just come talk to one of us, understand?", Barry advised. I nodded in reply still feeling heavily faint. "Take deep breaths, hun, you'll be fine afterwhile.", Rubi said to me helping me up. "Ok....I'll try to relax then....and enjoy this show.", I replied heavily breathing.

"Alright guys, since we came here early, let's go get those front row seats before anyone else shows up!", Barry announced. "Alright, let's do it!", blurts Arin. Rubia led me slowly inside, by then, my eyes went blue again, another flashback happened.

It was rehearsal for that NSP concert, I was just sitting on stage while everyone else were preparing instruments and vocals. I thought so hard about Rubi that day and Arin came trying to cheer me up, of course I cried thinking about her. I feel that I'm on the verge of tears.

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