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Genre: Comedy and cute af

Soonyoung is allergic to eggplant. But his crush just happened to distribute something with eggplant and of course, being Kwon Soonyoung, he wanted to impress his crush.


It was around 12 pm when Soonyoung decided to take a break from doing a choreography for their dance club. As the one being assigned by their captain, Jung Hoseok, Soonyoung is working hard for this.

Face and neck drenched in sweat, dirty blonde bangs sticking on his forehead, and a plain fitted shirt sticking to his body as well, Soonyoung walked towards the corner of the practice room, turning off the speakers and unplugging his connected phone to it. After turning off the lights, he went out and made sure to lock the door. Until he felt his stomach grumbled.

Soonyoung decided to walk to the cafeteria to eat something. Until he bumped into his friend, Jun.

"Soonyoung. I have a good news." Jun said, wiggling his eyebrows and a smug smile plastered on his face.

"What is it?" Soonyoung asked. Jun held onto Soonyoung's shoulders and his smile just even get bigger.

"The love of your life is at the cafeteria. And he is punished to be the one in charge in putting the foods for students because he was caught sleeping on his class for 5 times this week." Jun said. He was grinning widely and his eyes were huge as plates while shaking Soonyoung.

Well, Soonyoung on the other hand, was thinking widely.

First. Oh man horishit. Jihoon is at the cafeteria and I'm supposed to go there. Is this destiny?!

Second. Why is he sleeping in class for 5 times already this week? Its only Tuesday. Is he tired?

Third. Oh man. There will be lots of people who will get to see his cute face. ADDITIONAL RIVALS.

Fourth. I really am hungry. I need food.

With that, Soonyoung sprinted towards the cafeteria, without even looking back or thanking Jun.


As Soonyoung saw what Jihoon was serving or giving the students as a meal, a face of horror can be seen on his usually bright face.

Mixed vegetables with eggplant.

Not that Soonyoung doesn't like vegetables. It just turns out to be... he has an allergy on eggplants.

And as he observed, almost no students go to Jihoon's Booth since nobody likes vegetables and they have another choice: Kim Seokjin's, aka school's best culinary student, pork steak.

But because he is Kwon Soonyoung aka Mr. "I-will-do-everything-just-to-impress-Lee-Jihoon", with all his might, went in front of Jihoon, and asked casually.

"Can I have those vegetables?" Soonyoung was trying so hard to keep calm because Jihoon looked at him in the eyes (even though Jihoon's eyes were screaming "bitch do I even care") and just nodded. He boredly grabbed the serving spoon and shoved it to the mixed vegetables and put some onto Soonyoung's plate. When Soonyoung wasn't moving, Jihoon decided to look at him again but was surprised to see the latter smiling widely (and cutely). Jihoon gave him a questioning look but Soonyoung walked away and sat at the chair in front of Jihoon's Booth and placed his tray on the table.

Jihoon was bored so he decided to watch Soonyoung while eating. Jihoon knows Soonyoung through his friends, Seokmin and Joshua. Seokmin mentioned that Soonyoung has a crush on Jihoon but of course, Jihoon doesn't care.

Little did Jihoon know, Soonyoung was smart enough to know that he's been watched by the small guy. So Soonyoung was eating more enthusiastically; forgetting to move aside the eggplants. Which results him to start having rashes all around his body and become pale. Jihoon noticed this and started to become curious and slightly worried. He was still watching until Soonyoung collapsed on the floor. Jihoon immediately ran towards the literally red guy on the floor. He kneeled in front of Soonyoung and started shaking him.

"Yah, Kwon Soonyoung. Are you okay? I mean, I'm gonna bring you to the clinic." Jihoon said. He saw Soonyoung's eyes went wide although the guy doesn't look like he has open eyes.

"Y-you know me?" Soonyoung asked dumbly. Jihoon rolled his eyes and decided to tease Soonyoung a bit.

"You're one of the sexiest member of the dance club, duh. And you're friends with Seokmin. Oh and did I mention that I always caught you staring at me as if you have seen an angel descending from heaven?" Jihoon said. He saw Soonyoung's face flushed. He smiled internally.

"But seriously, what happened? Are you food poisoned? I swear I'm not the one who cooked it." Jihoon asked, concern can be heard from his voice.

"I'm allergic to eggplants." Soonyoung said weakly.

"Then why did you asked forㅡ oh. Oh." Jihoon said as reality dawned him. Slowly, he smirked.

"You were trying to get a chance to see my face and talk to me, weren't you?" Jihoon said. Soonyoung blushed but before he can react, Jihoon inched his face closer to Soonyoung. Noses touching.

"You can ask me to talk to you anytime since I can't resist cute people. You don't have to get yourself into trouble, you know." Jihoon said calmly then pecked Soonyoung's lips. He backed out a bit to check Soonyoung's reaction but he didn't expect what he saw.

Soonyoung fainted.

It may be rude to think but Jihoon laughed because of that. But of course, he won't let Soonyoung die so with all his strength and might, he brought Soonyoung to the clinic and waited for him to wake up.

Not forgetting to secretly peck his lips because, why not. His lips are soft.


So this is my first one shot and I hope it's not really boring. Although I found this lame. Argh.

- 964 words

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