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Genre: Fluff

Soonyoung and Jihoon have been together for almost 2 years already and never did they ever get tired of each other.


Soonyoung closed his locker door and locked it before checking his wristwatch. When he saw that he only have 7 minutes left before the student, council meeting starts, he started to sprint towards the direction of the headquarters.

Kwon Soonyoung, senior, student council president, school's dance troupe main choreographer and dancer, one of the top students. Everybody knows Soonyoung. They know Soonyoung is the energetic student council president and everyone were admiring him for how he can still look good and optimistic despite his stressful schedule.

You see, Soonyoung has literally no time to slack off. Soonyoung himself doesn't want to not move. His everyday routine starts with waking up early, help his mom a bit on the house, go to school, do some errands as a president, go to class, go to dance club on breaks, meetings, review for class and then help in the house again. Soonyoung likes to do things all the time and he's far from complaining about it.

On the other hand, Lee Jihoon is the opposite. The said boy was calm and collected. He's pretty chill. He's not a member of the student council nor the dance troupe. But he's one of the top students as well. Everybody knows Jihoon as the school's 'music genius' since he is really one. He's also known as Soonyoung's boyfriend.

Despite being popular as well, Jihoon is actually quiet. He prefers people to not notice him because he wants to be at peace always. Well besides when he's with his small circle of friends where Seungkwan and Seokmin teases Jihoon.

Everyone also admires the relationship of the two despite their differences. How they managed to stay in love for 2 years already.

Soonyoung thinks that the time he have is precious, so he wanted to spend every second doing or being with the things that he loves. Dancing, helping, studying, being with his family or friends, and of course being with his boyfriend.

Soonyoung never ever forgets to spend time with his understanding boyfriend. He makes time for Jihoon whether it's only short or kinda long. He doesn't mind being with Jihoon for a short time because as long as they still love each other, it's alright.

He also never forget to show Jihoon how much he matters to him even in just small gestures.

That's why when Soonyoung was currently sprinting towards the meeting room and he saw that familiar mop of black fluffy hair that he loves, he made sure to make a small time for his loving boyfriend.

Jihoon was currently standing beside his locker while speaking with his friend, Jeonghan. And then suddenly, he felt a pair of lips pressed on his cheek and before he even see the person's face, he already know who it is.

"I'll walk you home later. I love you." Soonyoung said to him before the elder sprinted away before Jihoon could respond. The younger chuckled.

"Seriously, how can you guys do that?" Jeonghan suddenly asked. Jihoon looked at him with one questioning eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that. How can you guys stand being with the same school and same class but still can't even spend 30 minutes together. And in the end, you're still boyfriends." Jeonghan asked. Jihoon smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know, really. All I did is to understand Soonyoung since I respect his priorities. Believe me or not, it's still unbelievable how he manages to add me to his priorities. But I guess that's how our love works. As long as Soonyoung never fail to make me feel loved and I never fail to do the same, I guess we're alright." Jihoon explained.


It's already dismissal and Jihoon stood up to gather his things before going home. But when he looked up, he saw his cute and all smile boyfriend holding a box of Jihoon's favorite strawberry drink. Jihoon smiled.

"Let's go?" Soonyoung said as he handed Jihoon the drink and held Jihoon's free hand. The younger nodded.

The two of them walked home while holding each other's hands with occasional squeezes. All the time of their walk, Soonyoung tells how his day went and asks Jihoon's. If Jihoon was being honest, he loves days like this wherein he walks home while holding Soonyoung's hand as he listens to the elder complaining or whining.

After around 30 minutes, the two already arrived at Jihoon's house. Jihoon offered Soonyoung inside but the latter declined sadly (while he has the adorable frown on his face) since his parents aren't home and nobody will cook their dinner. And also he needs to finish his thesis.

Jihoon nodded understandingly and Soonyoung promised to hang out with the younger on weekend. Jihoon smiled because Soonyoung never ate his own words and never broke his promise.

Before leaving, Soonyoung cupped Jihoon's face and placed a gentle and quick kiss on his lips. After breaking the kiss, Soonyoung smiled at his boyfriend.

"I'll call you later after eating dinner. Make sure to eat properly and finish your homework so you can rest early." Soonyoung said to the younger as he started to walk away. Jihoon chuckled then gave him a thumbs up.

"You too." Jihoon yelled since Soonyoung is already a few meters away.

Soonyoung looked back at Jihoon's direction and made a heart using his arms and body.

"I love you Jihoon!" He screamed while smiling which made the younger giggle and blush.

"I love you too, idiot!" Jihoon screamed back. Soonyoung laughed then blew a kiss before he sprinted away. Jihoon just shook his head while smiling fondly at Soonyoung's retreating figure.

"Such a dork but I love him."


aye guys its already summer break and i already said goodbye to my university earlier with a salute lol

expect quick updates starting now hehe

this chapter is actually based from one of my dang fantasies lmao

i hope this didn't look like shit because i really enjoyed writing this :(

-1018 words

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