Caught Out

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Song for this part: American Dream- MKTO

You awake suddenly and lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out what woke you. According to the clock on your bedside cabinet, it's early saturday morning. It reads 2:17am in bright red numbers.

A scattering sound against your window startles you and you sit up sharply. Obviously this was what woke you so early. What the hell?! You think, totally confused. Your bedroom is on the second storey, at the side facing away from the road. There are no trees surrounding your house, nor are there any neighbours that way. Another sound against your window makes you jump and you climb out of bed, less than gracefully, and walk cautiously to your window, cracking it open an inch.

"y/n! Is that you?"

You roll your eyes and open your window fully so you can lean out. "Taylor? What the hell are you doing?!"

Standing down on your back lawn, hand raised to chuck some more of the pebbles from your path, is your boyfriend, Taylor Caniff. It's never a bad time to see him, in your opinion, but 2:17 on a Saturday morning isn't one of your first picks.

"I'm sorry!" he calls, "I just have some great news!"

You're tempted to reply with something scathing but hold it in. You know and love Taylor and youre fully aware he wouldn't wake you this early if it wasn't something that couldn't wait. "Can you climb up? 'Cos I don't fancy mum or dad waking to find me leading you up the stairs!"

He shrugs and grimaces, "I guess..."

You gaze down, annoyed. "I'm gonna have to let you in, aren't I?"

"Well, if it wouldn't be too much trouble..."

"I probably could've guessed that." You say in defeat, shutting the window and walking to your door.

Everything sounds louder in the dark! You worry as the door creaks open. Every step seems to sound 10 times louder. When you're past your parents' room you calm down a bit, picturing Taylor in your mind. His gorgeous brown hair, his dark brown eyes, tanned body and perfect abs. Just a few steps down. 3 more... 2 more... 1 more... You twist the key in the lock, hearing the dull clunk as it unlocks. The handle turns stiffly, the door creaks open, then there he is. More perfect than you could have pictured. His face lights up in a grin and he hugs you spontaneously. You giggle, pulling away to head upstairs, dragging him by his arm.

The way upstairs seems to take longer and Taylor isn't very good at being quiet. His every footstep thuds and even his breathing seems loud. Finally, after what seems like ages, you reach your room. You breathe easier once the door is shut.

Taylor flops onto your bed straight away and picks up your phone. Probably checking what boys you've been in contact with. Sometimes it's cute, how protective he is, mostly it's just annoying. You crawl back under your covers beside him and wrap your arms around him. He doesn't react, staying stiffly still. You sigh and wait for him to tell you what's bothering him. Sure enough, within 10 seconds he turns to you. "y/n..." he begins quietly.

"Yes, Taylor?"

"Why were you texting Chris at 10 past 11? Don't you know how much I hate him?"

"Tay, you only hate him because he's my friend!" You say indignantly. Taylor shrugs. You groan. "Taylor, he's just my friend! He doesnt mean anything!" Taylor doesnt move. "Fine, delete him! But you can't keep doing that. You can't be my only contact! You piss me off enough already, I need other people to get my mind off you!" Taylor snorts with laughter and turns to you, kissing you gently on your nose.

"Really, I piss you off?"

"Yes!" You say loudly. "Like now! What is it you came to tell me?"

"Oh yeah!" he remembers, sitting up. "Well, this is really great! See, a man called Bart... I forgot his last name. Well anyway, he's setting up this thing called MAGcon. Basically, a collection of popular viners that will travel America and meet with fans and stuff! He invited ME! To hang with guys like Nash Grier and Jack and Jack! And the first time we're meeting is in two days!"

You force a smile. "That's super, Taylor! You're gonna have great fun!"

He laughs. "What do you mean, you're? Its we're! You've gotta come too!"

Your eyes widen and you throw your arms around his neck, knocking you both to the bed. "Really? You're being serious? I get to come?"

"Yeah! Of course bæ!" He grins and suddenly you're kissing like crazy. This is amazing! Travelling America, meeting fans, meeting viners... with Taylor! Suddenly Taylor breaks away and stares guiltily over your shoulder. You hear someone clear their throat deeply. You squeeze your eyes shut. Crap...


Song for this part: Sweater Weather- The Neighbourhood { or Shawn Mendes if you prefer ;) }

"Dad! It isn't what it looks like! Taylor just had-"

"No, y/n! I'm sure its EXACTLY what it looks like. Shall I tell you what it looks like?" You gulp and lace your fingers into Taylor's under the covers. "It looks like you snuck your boyfriend into the house so he could sleep with you. And you were planning on sneaking him back out without anybody knowing. I'm sure you both felt like bad ass teenagers. Smarter than your parents, hey? Well you're not! And you're grounded! For a month!"

Your mouth drops open. You can literally feel your life slipping through your fingers, whirling away before your eyes. So close...

"But Mr. y/l/n, I had to tell y/n about an offer that has come up! We've been invited to MAGcon, a convention for viners! We get to travel America in a group and the first one is next Monday!" Taylor cries, gripping your hand.

"Well sorry, bud, but it looks like you'll be going alone... Or not at all! Now get out of my daughter's bed and come with me! Now!"

Your bottom lip trembles and you roll away from Taylor, burying your head into your pillow. By the time the door shuts, your body is shaking with silent tears and your pillow is wet. This is how you fall asleep, your sadness leaking into dreams with no hope.

Taylor's p.o.v.

Seeing y/n like that as I left, feeling her hand slip from mine as she hid in her bedcovers, was the most heart wrenching thing that's ever happened to me. I've never felt so hopeless and helpless than when I was led down her stairs by her father, leaving her crying herself to sleep in her room. No words were spoken as I left the house; I could feel his gaze burning a hole in the back of my head though as I walked down their driveway and down the street.

What could I do? There was nothing. I didn't want to go to MAGcon alone! I needed her with me. But when her father had grounded her... No one could overrule him.


I pulled out my phone, typing desperately as I walked. This was my only chance. I just hoped Mr y/l/n listened to his wife.

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