Do it for the Vine

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Song for this chapter: Marilyn Monroe- Nicki Minaj

It's been 2 weeks since your last MAGcon and Taylor's at your house. After the boys found out that he hadn't cheated, that it had been Jack G, they were a lot friendlier towards him. There was no problem with Gilinsky either because he was single anyway so they accepted pretty well that he was with Mahogany. Everything was back to normal.

Well, almost everything. Except for one thing.

Carter was missing.

No one saw him after he ran from your room, and his face is branded into your memory. He was devastated. Completely crushed. And now he's gone. No vines have been posted, or instagram pics, or text messages sent. He just... disappeared.

Taylor isnt that bothered. In his opinion, it was bad of Carter to swoop in and take you just after you two had 'broken up'. Matt was more worried when you talked to him this morning. Him, Nash and Cam are all at your house today as they came to visit Taylor and you while your parents are on vacation for the next week. Matt seemed more worried than the rest, but here he is playing Xbox with the boys, looking like he doesnt have a care in the world while you sit and replay memories of Carter in your head and wonder where he is. You were going to call the police but Taylor advised you to give Carter his little bit of alone time. The rest of the boys agreed. It's so hard not knowing though.

You stand up and shake your legs out. You find it hard to sit still on a normal day but recently with Carter constantly on your mind you can't let yourself stay still for more than 10 minutes at a time otherwise all your memories flood in and you can't concentrate on anything but Carter. And that hurts too bad.

"I'm going to make dinner!" You call to the boys. They all nod, not turning around.

"What is it?" Taylor shouts back.

"Stovies. It's something that my mum taught me ages ago. A Scottish dish!" Your mum's from Scotland so you know a few different recipes, some that Taylor likes, some that he doesn't. This one is knew to him but you think he'll love it.

"What's in it?" Taylor asks uncertainly.

You sigh. "Beef, chopped potatoes and onions, with melted cheese on top. It's delicious!"

Taylor makes a sound of disgust. "Sounds gross!" he says rudely. "Like dog food!"

You hold back tears. "What the hell, Taylor! You've never even tried it!"

"Yeah, and I don't want to!"

"Well too bad! It's this or nothing!" You yell furiously, wiping away the tears on your cheeks. The kitchen door hits the wall behind it as you storm in.

Taylor's p.o.v.

"Man, I hate doing this!" I say to Cameron as I watch y/n run into the kitchen, crying.

"Do it for the vine, bro!" Nash replies, still pumping the Xbox controller with his thumbs, eyes on the TV screen.

"I know, I know..." I sigh, but I feel terrible as I picture y/n crying her way through the process of making stovies. It does sound nice, actually. And I hate the thought of her being upset.

Your p.o.v.

You wipe your remaining tears, trying to look semi-dignified, and bring in the boys' dinners, two plates on each arm. You learnt that trick while working as a part-time waitress when you were 14. After you've placed the plates down on the table next to the boys, not making eye contact, you walk back in for yours. By the time you get back, something has changed but you cant put a finger on it. Then you realise. "Where's Cam?"

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