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You come out of the room on Taylor's back, his hands beneath your thighs to hold you up. Matt, Nash, Cam and Jack G are still through in the main room. Taylor examines each of their faces suspiciously as you walk past and he halts at Nash, who looks extremely guilty. "Alright, what is it?" he demands, and Nash squirms uncomfortably.

"Nothing!" he says shrilly, backing up.

Taylor screws his face up. "What the fuck is up with you?" he asks flatly.

Nash doesn't answer, but Cameron does. "Yes, Taylor, yes!" he moans in a high pitched voice.

"Oh, fuck, Taylor, shit!" Gilinsky joins in.

Your cheeks flush red. "How old are you boys?! Just because you can't get some, you feel like you should spy on someone that can and then make fun of them?!"

Both boys shut their mouths, exchanging glances. Then Nash pipes up from behind you, "Ohhh, y/n, yes, take it all! Shit, you're so tight!" and they all start cracking up, falling over each other on their way to the door, away from Taylor's murderous glare.

"They're just fucking jealous." Tay says in disgust.

"Don't worry about it babe, it's not that bad. It's us that chose that room anyways."

The corners of his mouth turn up. He turns his head to plant a kiss on your lips. "And I could never regret that." he says, the passion in his eyes making you blush.

"Me neither, baby." you reply, gently kissing his nose.


Song: Doing It Right - Jack and Jack

"Hello Orlando!" Taylor yells to the crowd and you hear the screams of the crowd reach new levels. It's just past midday the next day and the boys are doing their first show. You're standing by the stage because it's uncomfortable for you to sit at the moment. Taylor had got a good laugh out of seeing you stumble out of bed and waddle to the door. It's taken you until now to be able to find a civilised way to walk.

Peering through the curtain you see Jack and Jack take to the centre of the stage to perform a song. When the music starts you know instantly that it's 'Doing it Right'.

You sing along to the song from backstage, and scream when a pair of hands grab your waist. "Shhh!" Taylor whispers, laughing, as he wraps you up in his arms. "I just wanted you to come up on stage with me for a minute. I need you."

You nod happily. "Yeah, babe! Now?"

He nods, and links his hand with yours, leading you up onto the stage. The fans scream, and you wave at them, seeing them wave back. It's all so surreal, you'll never get used to it. Jack G hands Taylor a microphone and he raises it to his mouth. He's a natural now.

"I just have something I want to announce!" He yells to the crowd. "This is something I've been wanting to do for a while, but I wanted to do it here, properly." He pulls a little black box from his jeans pocket and your hands fly up to cover your mouth in shock. He sinks to one knee, holding the box open on his palm. The huge shiny ring inside glimmers and catches the light and the atmosphere is amazing, the fans are screaming their appreciation. "I know we're really young, and I know people are gonna think we're stupid, but I also know that I could never love anyone more than I love you. These past 3 years we've been together have been the most amazing years of my life and I cant wait to have many more like them. There's so much time for that, but I want you to be mine for it, to know that wherever you are, you can look at this ring and remember that we belong to each other. I just love you, y/n, and I really just want to ask you to marry me?"

Your throat is choked up, but you manage to sob out, "Yes, Taylor, of course!" and he slides the ring onto you finger and kisses you, strong and full of love, and you sink into his chest. He's right. There's so much time to come. But it'll be different now. Because Taylor belongs to you like you've always belonged to him.

**author's note**

okay so that's it! I know this was like the shortest fanfic in the worlddd but I was starting to get sick of it so I wanted to finish it nicely instead of having it drag out all boring!! If you like the way I write, you should read my Luke Brooks fanfic, I'm putting a lot more time and effort into that right now :)

but anyways, thanks sooooo much for all your reads and votes, and the nice things you said to me! it was much appreciated xxx

see ya!

M xx

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