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Song for this chapter: Change Me- Justin Bieber

The chair squeals on the lino as you pull it out and protests against your weight when you sit. The cop stands across from you and Taylor. He doesn't look too friendly. The whole room is stuffy and uncomfortable and the lights are too bright. It seems too small for 3 people. Taylor did have to put up a bit of a fight to have us both in together. Which probably didn't help his case.

A red light flicks on as the officer presses a button on a little camera that's perched on the wall. You stare at it in horror.

What the crap?! you think. Are they trying to get information about Carter's disappearance or frame me for his freaking murder?!

Taylor looks calm, sitting to your right, so you cover up your shock and paste a mild, bland expression on your face. Taylor catches sight of you from the corner of his eye and flinches. Okay, maybe a slight bit too bland. "Are you trying to look insane?!" he hisses at you. "Just act natural!"

"He just turned a freaking camera on! What is this, a murder trial?!"

"Well we'd better hope not, cos we're looking pretty suspicious at the moment!" Taylor replies curtly as the cop sits down. Your head snaps around to his and you focus on his face through the bright lights. Mid-thirties maybe, stocky, big ears, balding, blue eyes. Blue eyes don't really impress you anymore. Nash's eyes better anyone's. Except maybe Hayes'.

What am I even doing?! He's meant to be the one interrogating, not me!

"So, Miss y/l/n. Mr Caniff. You knew Carter Reynolds?"

You both nod.

"Any relation to either of you? Brother? Cousin?" His eyes rest on you. "Boyfriend?"

You gulp.

"No, sir." You say shakily and Taylor shakes his head again.

"He was a friend." Somehow, Taylor's voice is as strong and perfect as always. He doesn't even look nervous.

"Did you have a relationship with Mr Carter Reynolds at any point in time? Any evidence could help us find him!"

The last sentence echoes around your head and you jolt to attention. Any evidence could help us find him. Any evidence could help us find him. Suddenly you find words pouring from your mouth, talking about everything, how you started to get close at the first MAGcon when you saw Taylor stage-kissing, how you were a couple briefly during the whole cheating scenario, how he stormed from the room when he caught you kissing Taylor. You glaze over the part where Taylor and Carter got in a fist-fight, and any of the other, more personal, bits. Finally, when you're out of breath and on the verge of tears, you stop. The officer looks at you intently for a few seconds, then nods to himself and scribbles on a piece of paper.

"Do you know when he left your hotel room, Mr Caniff? The last time you saw him?"

Taylor shrugs. "Around 2:00, 2:30ish? I'm not sure." The cop writes furiously fast on his notepad and you vaguely wonder if it might tear. Maybe that would put some interest into the visit. After talking that much without many breaths, you feel faintly light-headed.

"A prior source told us Mr Reynolds left the room at 1:45pm. Would that fit, in your opinion?" You nod along with Taylor, only hearing snatches of the officers words. There's a ringing in your ears and it's getting louder. "Another source told us they saw Mr Reynolds leaving the hotel at approximately 3:15pm. Do you have any idea what he may have done in the time between 1:45pm and 3:15pm?"

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