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Song: Brave- Sarah Bareilles

Taylor bounces along to the radio, sitting in the driver's seat of his new Corvette. He's 18 now, as of 3 days ago. You've been alone together for a week today and it's the most amazing week you've had in a long time. Today he's taking you somewhere he knows you'll love. You drove for hours yesterday, from 10am till 8pm before staying for a night in a hotel. This morning was an early one, out by 8, and you've driven for about two hours now.

The car pulls around a corner and Taylor tells you to cover your eyes. His grin is splitting his face and his hands are tapping out the beat of 'Brave' on the steering wheel.

He pulls his bandana off and hands it to you to tie around your eyes. You do. The car turns sharply to the left and you bang your shoulders against the door. You pout at Taylor. "Can you not?!"

You hear him laugh. The car turns to the right now and you swing out from your seat and hit Taylor. He leans his head down to kiss your ear. You giggle, then jerk away when his tongue dips gently into your ear, just barely touching you. He laughs again mischievously as he sees you shiver and suddenly you feel exposed, him seeing you while you can't see him. Then the car pulls up to a stop and you feel Taylor catch your arm. "Stay here." he whispers into your ear, his breath tickling you. Then his door opens and shuts and it's quiet for a second until he cracks yours open and whirls you out, picking you up to kiss you. "Are you excited?" he asks and you nod crazily, seeking out his lips again blindly, catching his bottom lip between your teeth cheekily. He moans. "Can we save this for tonight? I've already planned our day!"

You giggle and reply breathily, "Tonight." feeling him shiver beneath you. Then he places you on your feet and guides you forward.


"Disneyland?! Are you freaking serious?! OMG!!" you squeal, grabbing Taylor's arm excitedly. He nods, over the moon at how happy you are. You can tell by the light in his eyes that he is ecstatic for you. You love him so much.

"Tickets are paid for, so we can walk right in." he hands a man at the gate a slip of paper and shows him his ID, then heads straight in with you by his side.

You're practically vibrating now. "OMFG. I haven't been here since I was, like, 9! This is so freaking exciting! Where do we go first?!"

Taylor's face cracks into a grin. "I don't know! But we'll go everywhere."


** author's note **

Sorry, I'm not writing about what happens in Disneyland but you went on EVERY ride and Taylor bought you a massive fairy floss to share and you went on the Tunnel of Love and made out until the end. When you're finished in Disneyland it's 9pm.


"Taylor, that was absolutely amazing!" you say, hanging off his arm dizzily. "This was the best day of my entire life!"

He holds you in front of him, hands on your shoulders. "Bæ, I would do anything for you! Today was awesome for me too." he kisses you on the end of your nose and scoops you up to cradle you. "I love you." he reminds you.

"Where are we staying tonight?" you ask, remembering what you promised before you went into Disneyland. Taylor's eyes gleam as he recalls it too.

"Well..." he chews his lip thoughtfully. "I was thinking... maybe we could go back to MAGcon? I mean, it's been a week already and it's only ten minutes to Orlando, where they'll be for the next few days!" You beam hugely up at him.

"Of course! That sounds perfect!"

I'll get to see Matt, Shawn, Cam, Nash, cute Hayes, Gilinsky...! Omigosh I can't wait!

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