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A woman no older than thirty started to walk out of the guild, known as Fairy Tail. Her shades blinded the viewer of her beautiful brown eyes. Her pink hair was in a bun making her shoulder blades visible. And if you were close enough then you could see the pink emblem that layed vibrantly on her pale skin.

This girl was known as Nashi Dragnell the daughter of Lucy Heartfila and Nastu Dragneel. Nashi was known throughout the world for her involvement with the War of Fairy Tail.

Her life wasn't perfect. She had many struggles. But she won her battles because she always has a valid reason to fight. She always had something she fought for.

Now let me tell you all a story. A very long story.

When the girl with the beautiful brown eyes turned thirteen she lived in a small town called Wover with her small family. Her father wasn't really in the picture. In fact he didn't even know the poor girl existed. And Nashi didn't know much about him either. And that's how it was supposed to stay. Well, if it did stay that way we wouldn't have a story, now would we?

Nashi Dragneel, hero of Fairy Tail. Well, lets get on with the story. Here we go! Fairy Tail Next Generation: The Eclips Gate 


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