Chapter 2

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Since the day she got married, months and months had gone by, each month bringing similar results for Elizabeth.  As she sat breakfasting with Jane and her two children, Susan and Elton together with Mr Bingley, Mr Darcy and Georgiana in the huge Pemberly dining parlour, she felt her stomach give a little churn,a look of sadness crossed her features, it was probably a warning that her time was near.

"Are you excited for your wedding Georgiana?You must be excited, for you will be married at Pemberly, you will have the best scenery ever, " Jane commented smiling sweetly at the younger girl.

Georgiana smiled back confidently,  a confidence that Elizabeth was proud of because she had helped nurture it. "What woman is not excited for her wedding ?  But I am more nervous than excited today, for my aunt is coming from Kent."

"I don't blame you Georgiana, Lady Catherine makes everyone nervous,  she is a very formidable Lady, " Elizabeth said lifting her cup to her lips to hide a smile.

"Everyone except you Lizzy,  you are hardly fazed by her attitude," Georgiana said admiringly.

"It is because I am the mistress of Pemberly, nothing should ever faze you in your own home Georgiana, not even scary aunts."

"Not exactly the best advice to give to a soon to be married woman Elizabeth," Mr Darcy put in doing his best not to smile.

"I have the worst advice concerning marriage Georgiana, because I have the best husband in the world, he never sees a fault in me, " Elizabeth said.

"That is probably because you have none Lizzy," Jane replied.

"Everyone has faults my dear Jane, everyone has some imperfections," Elizabeth said.

"Not to me, you don't.  In my eyes,  you are perfect Lizzy,  don't ever forget that, " Mr Darcy said happily as he adjusted Susan,  who had been sitting in an uncomfortable position on her seat.  The image of him, so gentle and loving with his niece made Elizabeth want to cry. She wished  the child to be theirs,  she had wished it for a long time now.

"Don't get started on Lizzy's perfections or I will leave Pemberly this instant Darcy," Mr Bingley warned in his usual easy manner, "I have never known anyone to be as much praised as your dear Lizzy."

"If I were not to praise her,  no one else would, not a lot of people see her as I do," Darcy said fondly.

"Everyone likes Lizzy,  it is hard to dislike her,and even those who do not greatly love her like your aunt greatly respect her," Jane said, then she added a bit sternly to Elton, "Do eat your fruit Elton, or you will waste away."

Elton was four,  Jane's eldest,a bit spoilt for having overindulgent parents. Since the two families lived in close proximity, Elton was always at Pemberly,  a great favourite with the Darcys. He looked defiantly at Jane and made no attempt to touch the fruit the servant had placed before him.

"Elton, did you not hear what your mother said? Eat, or you will waste away, "Mr Bingley instructed gently.

"No I won't," Elton replied stubbornly.

Elizabeth gave Jane an alarmed look at the boy's manners.  Time and time again,  she had warned Jane not to overindulge the boy.  That was no way for a boy to speak to his father. She felt a pity for Jane at the way her cheeks coloured in embarrassment, she was about to chastise Elton when Mr Darcy spoke.

"Elton,how old are you? " he asked gently.


"Do you want to grow as big as me,  ride a horse and learn how to swim? "

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