Chapter 7

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The questioning yielded no results, no servant had observed anyone taking a particular interest in Miss de Bourgh, and none had seen her leave Pemberly. Elizabeth felt extremely tired and a bit sick after she had asked the same questions to a hundred and fifteen servants.

Georgiana and Jane who sat with her in the living room the whole time gave her sympathetic looks, "Worry not Lizzie, you now only remain with the stable boys, the gardeners and the chambermaids,"Georgiana said with a smile.

"Yes, and they are only a hundred and eighty in total, " Elizabeth replied with a nod.

"Let me help you then, you look tired, and out of spirits, I hope you are not getting yourself ill Lizzy. Let me continue with the inquisition, take a little walk outside to regain your airs," Georgiana suggested.

Elizabeth threw her a grateful look, "Thank you Georgiana, Mrs Tompkins, tell Miss Smith to bring Ella down, I want to show her Pemberly. "

Both Jane and Georgiana gave her astonished looks, "Who is Ella? " they both asked at the same time.

Elizabeth was forced to explain to them Lidya's visit yesterday. She withheld most information, only saying that Lidya had come by with the child and she had felt sorry indeed and taken her in.

"Does my brother have knowledge of it? "Georgiana asked in alarm when she had ceased speaking.

"I mentioned it to him yes,"Elizabeth replied.

"And how did he react?"Georgiana asked, unable to hide the curiosity behind her words.

"Not unpleasantly I assume, but he was in a great hurry to get away, and his feelings might be altered when we next speak about it, "Elizabeth said.

Georgiana gave her a searching look, "And how do you feel about it? Do you want to raise the child? "

Before Elizabeth could answer, Miss Smith, Ella's maid walked in carrying the child. Elizabeth took Ella in her arms and sat her on her lap, smoothing over the fair hair on the child's head.

"Thank you Miss Smith, is she well? Did she take her meals? " Elizabeth asked the young maid.

"She ate well Mrs Darcy, she was tired after all the exertion yesterday, but she is well rested now. "

"Good, how is your mother? Is she still having the pain in her ankle? Does she need a doctor sent to her again?"

Miss Smith curtsied and smiled at Elizabeth, "No, my mother is well now Mrs Darcy, and thanks you very much for the doctor. "

"Go to her today and take care of her, I shall take care of Ella,come back tomorrow."

"Thank you Mrs Darcy, " the maid said as she curtsied to Elizabeth again, then Georgiana and Jane before she walked away, her face radiating happiness.

Elizabeth watched her go with a smile, she liked to know her servants at a personal level,  she took care of their problems and made sure they felt comfortable enough to talk about them to her.   She knew each one of them by their name and always took time to pay a visit to their families and inquire of their well being. Her husband called it her caring charitable nature, but she just called it her clever nature. If you took care of your servants, then they would love taking care of you and your property, which meant she always got the best services out of them.

"Oh Lizzy! You should have come to me,  I am the eldest and Charles would not object to taking her in, I would gladly take Ella," Jane said observing the child who was now leaning comfortably against Elizabeth.

"Mr Bingley has never offered to take one child out of Lidya's hands Jane, which means he probably cannot afford such a responsibility with children of his own now. Susan must have something set aside and Elton ought to be independent when he is of age," Elizabeth said in warning. Jane had the habit of exceeding her income whenever she had to help others, were it not for Elizabeth's counsel, the Bingleys would not be as well off as they have always been.

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