Chapter 12

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Fishland was a small village, it reminded Elizabeth of Lobgbourn, where word spread faster than wildfire in the neighborhood. Mr Bingley wanted them to ask around for the couple but Mr Woodland opposed the idea.

"We no not the names they are using now, if Wickham is the deceiving fellow I fancy him to be, I am sure he is not using their real names," Mr Woodland explained patiently to Bingley.

"Then how are we going to find them? You do not suppose us to sit here and wait until they pass by?" Mr Bingley asked.

"No, we shall simply go to the largest house in the village, that is where we shall find them," Mr Woodland replied confidence.

"And how are you so sure of it? Did he tell you about it? "

"No, but like my sister Elizabeth, I am a studier of character and I have keenly studied Mr Wickham through his forged letters. Though he lacks honour, he is a creature of vanity and he likes to spend a great deal of money. With Miss de Bourgh getting a great deal from Lady Catherine,and him expecting Darcy's share quite soon, he would rent the biggest house no doubt. "

"You draw the most terrible conclusions from very little evidence Woodland, "Mr Bingley said, "Lizzy? What say you? Should we follow him into this madness? "

"We have been following him into the mud since we left London, madness sounds a bit more sophisticated, let us follow him, " Elizabeth said with determination.

"How good a fighter are you Elizabeth? " Mr Woodland asked in a light tone, but Elizabeth could sense the seriousness in the question.

"As good as anyone who has never been trained," Elizabeth answered,her and automatically going to her bonnet, where she had the small knife safely tucked away.

"What a strange thing to ask a lady! Do not worry yourself over nothing Lizzy,there will be no fighting, this is a peaceful visit,"Mr Bingley said.

Mr Woodland's eyebrows went up uncommonly fast, "No wonder he married Jane, you could never have borne with his stupidity," he said in a whisper to Elizabeth, then to Bingley he added, "We are going to try and expose a man who is a liar, an adulterer, a capturer and possibly a murderer, pray explain to me why he would not fight us?"

"Because honour and duty demand so, " Bingley replied simply.

"He grows sillier by the hour this Bingley. Have you forgotten why we are making this trip? It is because Mr Wickham lacks honour, and had never had to do any duty all his life. Elizabeth, if they he tries to attack us, I want you to fend him of,he will least expect it from you. "

Elizabeth nodded and Bingley stood perplexed for a second before he realized that his companions were matching towards the house and followed them. They reached the back door with the hope that no one had seen them and Elizabeth raised a hand to knock on the magnificent golden door.

Her knock was delicate, for she had all the intends to make it sound harmless. She could easily have rang the bell, but she knew only strangers rang bells in a village as small as this. The door was unlocked by a bulky set woman whom Elizabeth assumed was the housekeeper, quickly Elizabeth stepped forward and put on her most charming smile.

"Good morrow Madam, my name is Florence Chapman and this is my husband," Elizabeth said pointing at Mr Bingley," and this is my brother, "she indicated to Mr Woodland, I am looking for my sister and I was directed that she may be found here. "

"What is your sisters name?" the servant asked, narrowing her eyes at Elizabeth.

"Julia, I knew her as Julia when we were still little girls, but she might have changed her name, because I hear she is married now. "

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