Chapter 6

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Elizabeth was up early, aware that she had guests to attend to. Some guests were leaving quite early, and she had to make sure she breakfasted with them before they left. Lady Catherine would be especially angry if she did not attend to her before she left for Rosings. Even though annoying Lady Catherine was one of Elizabeth's talents, she decided to save it for another time, when Georgiana will not be so newly married.

Her father refused to take breakfast and set off for Lobgbourn immediately, making her promise to write to him twice a week. Her mother complained about having to leave at such an early hour. As Elizabeth kissed her goodbye, she whispered in her ear, "Pray Lizzy have an heir in this place as soon as possible. "

Elizabeth nodded and promised to try her best with a most tolerant smile. She only remembered after they had left that she had not told her father of Ella. But she had not told anyone else except Mr Darcy, she had to await his decision concerning the child before she could tell anyone else.

The Rosings party was gathered in the dining parlour, eating their breakfast with a dull lull. Elizabeth greeted them all and sat down with them, talking to Charlotte who made her promise to go to Kent soon. Once again Elizabeth promised with a private smile, wondering why everyone was so determined to make her promise them something on that day.

"Where is Miss de Bourgh? " Elizabeth asked in concern when she did not spot the fragile girl among the party.

"Anne is not strong, let her sleep for a few more minutes,"Lady Catherine replied.

Suddenly, an idea struck Elizabeth, with Kitty gone and Georgina leaving soon, she will be all alone at Pemberly with Mr Darcy. She had never been at Pemberly without Georgiana or Kitty for a long time. She will indeed be very lonely when Mr Darcy goes to attend to his businesses. Even though Jane was always at hand to keep her company she will miss Georgiana greatly. She had never particularly had anything against Miss de Bourgh except her inability to even swat a fly. Even though the girl was sickly, she was also very shy, a bit like Georgiana when Elizabeth first met her. Here was her chance to teach one more young lady to be confident.

"If Miss de Bourgh is so exhausted from yesterdays exertions to travel today, she would better stay at Pemberly for a few more days. Pray madam let her stay, " Elizabeth said earnestly.

Charlotte gave Elizabeth an alarmed look, but Lizzie only nodded and smiled at Lady Catherine.

"Anne will be fine, she is a strong girl even though her sickness weighs her down. She need not stay at Pemberly with such a mistress, "Lady Catherine said disdainfully.

"But madam," Charlotte put in hesitantly, "Mrs Jenkinson says she could not even rise from her bed when she tried to wake her. Perhaps you should let her stay for a few days to regain her strength. It will do her great good to be at Pemberly, you say it yourself, she does not leave Rosings enough times."

Lady Catherine seemed to ponder Charlotte's words and Elizabeth waited with bated breath. Finally the lady nodded, "True it might do her health great good to be at Pemberly. Anne always expresses a desire to be with her cousins a lot more. Mrs Jenkins will stay to take care of her. Make sure you tell my nephew to send her in his best carriage in three days, " the lady addressed Elizabeth.

"I will Lady Catherine," Elizabeth said, smiling at Charlotte with gratitude, "But I do not see Mrs Jenkinson, where is she? "

"She came down to tell the servants to take Miss de Bourgh's breakfast up then she went to attend to her," Charlotte answered.

"If we don't hurry we will reach Kent at nightfall, I shall go say goodbye to dear Anne, Mr Collins, tell the coachmen to bring the carriages," Lady Catherine said.

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