Chapter 4

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"What did you do to my aunt?" he asked her that night when they got the chance to finally be alone in their room after she had attended to all her guests and made sure everyone was comfortable at Pemberly. He sounded amused as he always was by her impertinent actions and words.

"I tuned her off,  she doesn't like to be ignored, your aunt,"Elizabeth replied.

His eyes danced with laughter and joy as he embraced her, "You should rest,  I left Mrs Tompkins with clear instructions to let you rest,  Georgiana should have played mistress today,  they are her wedding guests after all. She disappeared the whole evening and she wasn't in her room,  where is she? "

"I sent her to Jane's to escape your aunts instruction on how to conduct herself as a married lady."

"You gave Anne Kitty's room," he said, a statement, not a question.

"Yes, it is large enough to accommodate both the governess and herself,  the windows are not too wide to let a draught in and it has the largest fire,  it was the only perfect one."

He moved closer to her and embraced her lovingly, "Thank you. "

"For what? "

"For being such a forgiving wife."

She placed a finger on his lips to silence him, "Think only of the past if its remembrance gives you pleasure. This is about Georgiana,it is her special day,  I will do nothing to jeopardize it. "

"Sometimes,  I feel like I am only loved second best to Georgiana," he said jokingly.

"You are,  but that should not worry you Mr Darcy."

"But it worries me Mrs Darcy. "

"It shouldn't. You are still the only man who can make me do this," she stood on her tiptoes and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.As he grabbed for her and she laughed, everything that followed that could not be termed as chaste.

Elizabeth was happy, which meant everything around her became automatically funny and ridiculous.  The week passed quickly,as the days went by,more and more guests began arriving for the wedding.

To say that Elizabeth was proud of Georgiana would be an understatement. She was immensely proud of her sister, especially in her choice of husband. Even though the Darcy family was untitled, it was quite respectable,and Georgiana was going to add all the glory,for she was getting married in a Baronet's family. What made Elizabeth proud Was the fact that Georgiana had made a very wise choice in a husband.  Edward Woodland was a good looking young man, he was twenty six,  and had a steady income even though he was a younger son.  With Georgiana's fortune, and her good management, the two would be independent. He was a scholar who had taken up law,  and had a great affection for Georgiana. She would be happy with him,Elizabeth had decided.

When she had first met Georgiana,the younger girl was a bundle of shyness and nerves that had Elizabeth very worried at first. Though not very clever,  Miss Darcy was a highly accomplished handsome girl, and thanks to her education, she had a good head on her shoulders. It also did not escape people notice that with her brother still childless she was the heiress of all the Pemberly Estates, unless Mr Darcy chose an heir before his death. In a way,  Elizabeth had raised the girl, and now, she was ready to hand her over to the husband of her choice.

It had been Elizabeth's idea to have the wedding take place at Pemberly,with Darcy's blessing and income,everything had gone as planned.  The groom's party arrived promptly at nine and were directed to the church, where the other invited guests were already gathered.  Many respectable families with titles and money were already gathered in the huge church,  awaiting the big event.

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