Chapter 5

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Zach's POV
I woke up to being cuddled up to Bea. My arm was around her back with her head barred into my chest. I smiled when I saw her peaceful face sleeping. I've developed serious feelings for this girl and seeing her sad was a horrible thing to experience. I carefully got out of bed making sure not to wake up Bea. I walked down the steps and yawned but got startled when Jonah scared me half to death.
Me: Bro what the heck was that for?!
Jonah: I saw you and Beaaaa
He said in a gooy voice. I rolled me eyes and scratched my head.
Me: Please don't tell Daniel. He'll kill me.
Jonah: I won't but how is she doing from that idiot cheating on her.
Me: She's really sad but I tried my hardest to cheer her up.
He then patted me on the back
Jonah: Your perfect for her, dont ruin that.
I let out a soft smile
Me: Wasn't planning on it.
He walked away and I grabbed some water and walked back up the stairs. I opened the door and saw Bea on her phone crying. I set my water down and sat by her and gently took her phone. It was Dave's Instagram page with anougher girl. The caption stated "she's better then the last one". I set her phone aside and layed down next to her and brought her into a hug.
Me: Dont Listen to him BeBe. He's just trying to make you feel jealous. Your so much better then this girl he states he likes.
I hugged her tight and the door then flung open. It was a furious Daniel.
Bea looked up with tears still running down her face.
Daniel: That jerk. Did you see what he posted. "She's better then the last one" MY A-- WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS.
Bea let out a small laugh between sobing and Daniel came over. I quickly got out of the bed knowing they probably wanted privacy.
Bea's POV:
I saw Zach leave and every piece of me wanted to tell him to stay but Daniel looks like he wants privacy.
Me: Dani I'm so sorry for not listening to you. I should've believe you.
Daniel: BeBe. No. Its ok.
His phone started to ring and he looked at it and let out a huge sigh.
Daniel: Ugh I have to take this. Its our manager.
I let out a soft smile understanding that it was important. Zach then walked in with an evil smile on.
Zach: Let's go. We are going to have fun.
I let out a confused look.
Me: Oh no what are we doing
Zach: Two words. Revange time
oh boy

His Sister• Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now