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And now I'm in my freshman year In College ..
school is school you don't really want to go but you have to be something in life right

It's a wonderful Monday morning the wind is blowing not to hard but not to light it's 5:30 a.m and I'm outside in my backyard smoking the 3rd blunt this morning ..

I wake up everyday at 4:45 A.m every morning..I don't know why I just do I started to just get use to it.. I never really cared for sleep anyways or T.V or anything else that killed your time and made you be less of a person

In the mornings I have 1 routine
wake up
Roll up
Then eat
Music is something in my house that's played 24/8

So I already had that on so I know your wondering how I got a house etc so let me just tell you

After I got raped I had a hard time living in the same house walking down the same streets being In the same environment

So I had to make a change and that change was to New Jersey with my god mom and her husband

Her husband had the best soul food in New Jersey people came every where to eat his food . He always was packed it was never a day when it wasn't .

And my godmother well she was all about fashion she had 2 small boutiques
One in the rich neighborhood

And the other in the middle class

Her house was fairly big it was just my godmother and her husband and I so it was barely people around and there

She had a 4 bedroom and 3 bathrooms house

Junior year in high school I moved out well the summer of senior year but still

I moved in a 2 bedroom apartment 3 bathroom I had my own balcony in my room as well as the living room

I worked at my god dad's soul food place since i moved out the whole high school  I saved every bit of money I made

Well my god mom made it to be as if I was hers so they treated me like there daughter they bought me everything and made sure I was happy and if I was sad they made it there job to make me happy again

I still talked to my mom just never went to go see her ft was all that's it nothing else I talked to my brother he sent me money as well but I always saved it

My 16 birthday my god dad bought me a car my first car

And my 17th birthday my god mom and dad bought me well rented out my apartment for me paid the bills  up and helped me put  furniture and food in it

I danced in high school so I started making videos and I started to get big on YouTube and stuff I started to do more and more videos and other videos other then dancing like getting to know you etc

So I started to get money from that ..when I made it to 2 million subscribers i was a senior in high school

And now I'm at 4 million subscribers a year later and doing well ..

I had bad dreams every once in a while but nothing I couldn't beat before 4:45 a.m

I get high because hell I like it and I'm grown so I can do what I want right
I only smoke weed so don't play me 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol

But anywho I had school today at 9 so I finished my smoking session around 6
And went in the bathroom to start getting ready

I picked me out a simple outfit boxer shorts a button up shirt and some J's

After I was done picking out my outfit ..I turned up my music and started to shower

After I was done I got dressed and smoked another blunt I walked out the house around 8:15

Good just enough time to get me some food

I pulled up to McDonald's and got me a big breakfast with hot cakes and a coffee then went over to the university

I went to the cafeteria and ate my food

I finished up and went to find my class I been going to this school for a cool minute now and was started to like it

I put on a extra class for 8weeks because I needed it and I wasn't doing nothing and that's the only a.m class I have normally I'm a p.m person cause I like to do hood rat shit in the a.m

But w.e

I walk into my psychology class and find me a seat I take out my computer and power it up to get started for class I take my note book and pen out for class while

The class starts to full and there's a few kids that I put my eyes on but don't sweat to hard

A female about 5'7 comes to meet my eyes and I look her in her eyes as well

Wassup ma I'm Sierra
And you are
I'm jasmine

Class finished and Sierra asked to walk me to my car I wasn't feeling it because one I didn't no her and two she was a stud and if I wanted a nigga I would of got one

I'm not a nigga that's about to smile in another nigga face that's just not me but I have no problem with other who do ..

Nah fam I'm good I got it but thanks ..

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