day dream

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After the little talk with O girl  i walked to my car i was planning on seeing my bestie today so i made my way to the store to pick up food to feed his fat ass cause ik he be wanting food ..

I got the food and went home, then i went in my kitchen and  got the other things that i needed to cook and started cooking dinner..

After finishing dinner i went and took a shower ..

I loved showers because it frees your mind takes you places you never been in sometimes you're comfortable and sometimes you're not but if your not dirty you always in up coming back

I finish my shower wanting a little bit more time in but knowing if he leave a little bit early i can get another one in before i go to bed tonight ..

Im not a person who has people sleep over its only because my mind only lets me be around people a few hours ..

Yeah i know your wondering how i go to school .. Same as i but i have to pass the classes but i will miss a few here and there just because ..

I started getting dress .. I picked out  something chill and simple. I mean its only my best friend .

I dont really get to see him much actually i would let him stay here but he still lives with his pops and pops still mad he gay

So its hard for him .. He said he needed something and thats what i think it is will i know it is. 

You see i study people everything about them i get to them socially and mentally maybe even physically if you're lucky .. I get to know there mind and what their next move is

I listen to every detail .. I read texts over like your favorite page in a book ..

I dont know  some call me different some just think i dont trust people but me

I like to understand everything if its something new and learnable im all over it ..

I finally finish getting dress .. So i go in my chill room to roll up i roll for me but if my best friend want to smoke he can i dont have school tomorrow or work




And film

Is all im about to do

I finish rolling and i light up i turn on some music

Soft music to bring my mood up from my mind thats moving so fast i cant keep up

Hopefully this slows my thoughts down a little

I hear the door bell and i get there and put a smile on my face. Always smile,  Show no fear no hurt ...keep your business your business ... And just don't give a fuck about what other care ..

I open the door .. To my love hurt beaten sleepy it looks like and never the less dirty ..

One thing i hated was my best friend living in that house i kidnap him and pay his rent my damn self but he wont let me he say take care of yourself but the people i love matter to me matters alot ..

Come come in bro take your shoes off and go to guest bedroom bathroom I'll bring you some stuff ..

You dont have to i got it nah give me that ima wash it thanks jas  welcome noah

Noah go into the room then the bathroom start the shower and start to do what ever

I go into the guess room dresser and pull out some clothes that noah had  left over before and placed it on the bed i went out and smoked a little bit more

Noah came out dress and ready to go ..he came out and joined me he took the blunt and smoked it i watched him

I watched his every move

Stop looking at me jas

Why whats wrong with you ? What happened?

You know what happened i took my shit and left .. Can i

Stay here yeah . your not going anywhere else

(See i had already knew he wanted to stay i just didn't really know what was the reason)

You do know you have to take me to work and shit into i get a car
Yeah Noah ik

Thanks now lets eat

We finished eating then watched a movie after the movie

We talked for a few hours then we both got up and went to bed

The night was how it alway is dark tried and cold

Normally the cold is heave but the darkness is hell so i lay in the bed day dreaming about nun but something that my mind locks in and draws out as a memory in a picture as a dream ..

I close my eyes and fall deep into the drakness music the music take my soul deep into the next day
The next day i go

But before then let me dream away ..

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