Wait hold tf on

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Okay let's just start of by saying I'm sorry for me being some fucking late on this update school and work and realtionships been kicking my ass but I'm back now so let Get back to this us/book shit 🙃

Waking up in the morning like I always do now since she came so peaceful and happy no worries just happiness..
I opened my eyes to see her gone my heart dropped ..where is she ?!  I like to wake up with her laying next to me I need to wake up with her laying next to me ..

Looking around I got up I was naked so I decided to go to the bathroom and do my little thang before going to look for her ...
As soon as I opened the door I smelled the fresh food
Pancakes bacon eggs
I love the thought of her cooking for me but breakfast is really not a thing for me in less I'm high ..

I walked down the hall to the front rooms and stopped and watched as my baby was cooking and dancing to her favorite song I can tell it was on repeat by the way she was singing it she was into it ..

While we are young we should run and do something crazy I sang ..(literally my favorite song but our song was thinking out loud hate the song now so while we are young it is )
She turned around and started to sing with me ... we did a whole i'm dramatic dance thing like we was in high school musical
She finished cook and set the tables for us to eat ..
She was kinda mad that I only ate the eggs and drank some tea I tried making toast but the look she gave me wasn't meant to play with so I just ate what I had and called it a day

Where is Noah baby?! .. school I took him and James while you was sleeping I didn't want to wake you ..
Damn I fucked up ima make it up to her tonight Ima do something for her ..

Oh okay ..thanks.. no problem sweetie oh & by the way I'm not cooking for you no more so good luck with that ..

Wait but baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I like your cooking I wasn't hungry that's why I didn't really eat but I appreciate you baby in every way thank you

What's ever I'm going to shower for school ... Baby can I shower with you ?
No clean the kitchen ...
ugh ..no cleAN tHe KItchEn head ass

What what was said ?
Nothing baby that was the music
Oh thought so ..

After finishing the kitchen I went to the room to start getting ready but first I had to fix my lady attitude cause she ain't walking out the door going to sleep nothing mad at me

I walked in the room and she was standing right there in her boxers and was putting on her sports bra( yass came just in time )
I kissed the back of her neck and turn her around and started kissing her I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt your feelings ik you worked hard cooking that food and I should of just ate it but I didn't want to force it ..I'm sorry

It's okay daddy
Are you sure
Yes baby I'm sure I'm not mad anymore actually about time I got in the shower I wanted you but you was cleaning and I wanted you to miss me

Oh so you got jokes ..let me go shower so we can go
I kissed her lips and walked away gone in the matter of 2 seconds

*                               On the way to school *

On the ride to school I had to smoke my body was damn near calling for it but  a nigga got better with tho I ain't smoking like I need it I'm smoking cause I want it and I like that I like the power she has the power she gives to me ...

We listened to music and I smoked my mind away all these thoughts of love and shit had a nigga really wanting to be some shit you know ..

We made it to the schoolhouse and went straight to class got our shit ready then waited for class to begin ..

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