lets party

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I woke up Like every morning beating the sun i looked at my phone that was laying on the bed right next to me ..

And seen the time 4:30 AM. I started to get nerves because i never get up at 4:30

Maybe 4:39 maybe 4:40

But never 4:30 the nerveness started to melt my soul . A thousand beat per minute i felt my heart going up and down it was killing me ..

I didnt know if it was going to be good or bad but i knew it was going to be something ..

So i rolled out the bed took a shower and started getting ready early i didnt have to go anywhere but i love the shower and to be fresh ..

I found a chill little outfit and put that on then went to my chill room to roll up i started smoking just chilling getting video ideas because i always have to work ..

Then started getting things ready to film normally i would wait into i was done smoking but i was going to be talking in this video so why not smoke and film ..

I was in the middle of my video when noah came in the room asking what i was doing i told him and then he kinda joined in with me we finished the video smoke some more then talked about the plans for today ..

I was going to stay in the house cause the boring life is the best life..i mean you  dont have to deal with people and they shit you dont have to deal with nothing but what you want to get yourself into ..

Noah talked me into going to a party with him and his boyfriend james ..after we got all his stuff ..

His dad hated james cause james was there for him james would fuck noah dad up in a second if noah let him ..

I started to wonder why he wasn't living with james .. So i asked him why.  His answer was short Nd simple

See james and noah are in there last year of high school so he didn't want to live with james mom and 3 brothers and 2 sister

So we chilled into james came ovee which was about 1 p.m then we went over to noahs house ..

See i loved james he had Noahs back and not only his but mine as well .. I knew if i needed him he would be there because thats the type of person he is ..

Alright look we going in .we getting everything,  and if he say something out of line im sleeping him cool okay james said i could tell he was fr just by the way his face looked when he said ..

We pulled up to noahs' father house and waited a little we got out the car 3 min later and walked up to the door

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