wait hold tf on part 2

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I went in my smoke room while she was showering I had to be out the room when she got naked because the way our body and soul connects it's crazy and I couldn't let my body take over my emotions ..

I knew she would come looking for me anyways cause I'm mad and she needs things under control .. but control is not what she getting ..

I was smoking my blunt  damn near done when  she walked in ..   looking beautiful as ever .. i could see the fear in  her eyes I knew she was hiding something  and I was going to find out today .. i have feeling for the kid I don't want her out my life no time soon and I need her to be here with me safe happy 
what are you thinking about she asked
us ..
what about us

us being together us being what we was for the few days we was together before all this ..I need you hear sleeping in my bed
and you can have that
can I ?
my point but I'm going to make my point to whoever hurting you ..your mine  and you will be mine  living with me  and my best friend period idc

we let's go then ..
oh don't smoke on the way my mom hates the smell ..

good I picked up my Jay and lit it then walked out my smoke room why she followed ..

I smoked the whole way to her mom's house she was driving so you know it was really bad ..

we finally pulled up to these small apartments the outside was nice grass cut flowers out clean it didn't look like the hood at all .. it seemed clean and refresh far from what I thought ..

we walked up to a small little red brick house with the numbers 23 on it she rang the bell  and we waited ..

what seemed all of 5 minutes

a tall man brown skin man open the door ..hear this bitch is here Jenny with some guy/girl

why TF you bring her here

because I can .she said powerful but fearful

he pulled his hand up like he was going to slapped her but I grab her and moved her out the way she has a name nigga if you can't use it don't speak on her

what u just say to me  bitch ..I can call my daughter what TF I want 2

serria get in here he yelled

I looked at serria and stood my ground ..(she knew not to move with Daddy next to her )  we haven't even made it in the house and I already know how things is about to go ..

look here bitch I don't care who you are to her she a fucking lady not a animal you didn't name her bitch you name her serria and that's what you will call her .. by the way she will be living with me stay tf away from her or I would fuck your whole life up by one call so  try me .. and tell the old bitter bitch what I said .. I grab ce hand and walked back to the car he was telling shit but we didn't look back we just walked to the car and went to the mall ..

she never going back she don't have to wear shit they got her she don't need them she has me now

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