my protectant

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The next day i woke up as always to the music filling my house like a house wife cook bacon..

I went to the bath room then went to my chill room to smoke into my alarm went off telling me  its  6:45 . so i finish up and go and take a shower

And got dress i got everything i needed then headed out with Noah right behind me i guess james left last night because he wasn't there and noah was chill about it .. We both wanted food but i wasn't cooking  breakfast so we went to Wendy's i got a baked potato some 4 chicken nuggets and a medium Frosty

Noah got a 4 for 4  plus 4 chicken nuggets plus a frosty

I dropped him off at school where james was waiting for him out front .i said good morning then went to school and started walking straight to 1st period..

I remember that i had food in my bag and class dont start into another hour so i went to the cafeteria

I seen the lady who asked to walk me yesterday so i stood there and watched

I could tell she knew someone was watching from her body language she moved her head around into she found the mystery eyes on her ..

I looked down at my phone for a while just to get the attention off of me then i looked up again this time i seen how she had on different Matches of clothes let alone she didn't do her hair her eyes look low like she been smoking or havent got no sleep

And sadly it looks as if she lost her color ..

I started walking up to her as she looked up at me with a smile .. Hey i said i could tell shes down i hope she will be okay

Hey ma


I could see how she was hiding the fact that she was going through something

How you doing ?

Im good and you

Im fine ..

Well i'll see you later

Walking into class getting ready for it to start

The  people started to fill the class and at 9 the class begin .

We took notes on the theories of the brain and got a partner project to put together on it .. It was basically having us explain  how people think and feel and see things by using there brain

I liked this project so i was excited i didn't care who my partner was ..because this is something i do all the time so it was going to be funny i can learn about a person by just watching them for 10 mins

Like my Professor for example. She about 45 black married with two kids . but her husband is cheating on her and she wears a smile on her face like he's not because

A. She dont want know one to know or

B. She feels as if she cant manage a life with out him .

I havent found that out but you can tell because she has change the way she dressed and did her hair not that he seen but i have she wears make-up everyday now when i started this class she didnt .

She leaves class 5 min early saying im going to try and make lunch with my husband .but im sure she dont make it

And if she do its weird the air is thick and she still trying to push the Romance but it will soon fade ..

Class end and im walking to my car we find out who we will be working with tomorrow .

Oh girl joins me on my walks asks me about class

I answer

She starts to walk away when i pull her next to me and whisper in her ear i know your getting hurt in some type of way lwt me help you if i can

She looked me in my eye and just walked away ..

I knew it wouldn't be that easy ..

I picked up my boy noah and we went to the house i started cooking and he was watching t.v while doing his homework

Me and noah wanted to plan a bestfriend weekend together and that would be cool cause i could work and have fun at the same time ..

So we planned the whole the the following weekend we up out this bitch for 4 days ..

Night fall

It was night fall and i was laying in bed just thinking the image of her face played over in my head like a rerun of my favorite show. I couldn't shake the fact that she was hurt and i wanted to save her ..

What made it crazy waa i didnt even know her let alone get to know her i just had this feeling to protect her. To make sure shes safe at all times my eyes closed slowly as the darkness took in my soul allowing me to sleep...

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