its us or nothing

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We got into the car and I pulled off ..  we was driving for a cool 5 mins before i knew we needed to talk about what just happened .. so I pulled over and asked her what's wrong
Nothing I'm fine she said with her head in chest
I looked over at and pulled her face to meet my eyes

Hey baby I'm sorry you had to go thru that ik how it feel to have a no good ass family .. but I found family on the way and ik for a fact you well too ... We're a family and later on in life we can make one together as well.

But for now let's get this money finish school and make more and better money love.. we got this more then anything and we  don't  need to let this weak ass haters hold us back from greatness .. are u down baby ..

Yes I'm down ..I'm  just hurt that she would let that happen to her kid .. how can a mother not be a mother? If she didn't want me why lay on her back and have me .. I can't stand when I see shit like that so for it to happen to me I'm lost for words, I'm lost in  the mind, as well as the heart because on some real shit that was my first love .. Because she was there before anyone even my dad .she had my hand helping me up when I fell or got push down now she has his back .. I will never forget her or the love she had for me ..

Ik baby and I'm going to be here for u as well ..

Thanks for everything I mean I really appreciate everything you do for me

No problem love .. so do u want to go home and smoke or do u want to go and eat ?

Lets go eat!  lets eat !

Lol fine

She picked up my phone and play sza go Gina dance smiling I'm sure she thinking about the food not even knowing what food we about to eat 😂😂

I seen a small restaurant that had a big yellow and blue sign that read Southern Cafe ..

That should do I said  .. pulling over and parking the car.  I stepped out and opened her door we both walked in hand to hand ..

The door of the restaurant was big black and blue that had a big sign that said push on it..

we walk into the smoky drak restaurant that was filled with people left and right of us ..

Table for two the red head said yes please .. she smiled at us and walked us to our table Shelly will be your server tonight enjoy she said and walked away ..

Shelly came up to the table look right us and the way she looked I knew she wanted one of us ..

What can I start you off with she said I'm fine with water and lemon the lemon is 50 cent is that okay ..

Yeah 😐

And you

The same thanks

Okay I'll be right back

We talked and she asked why we didn't call Noah and I told her Noah most likely already eating if u know what I mean we both laughed 

Shelly came back with the drinks and then asked if we was really ..

I would like the soul food platter plate

Okay would u like corn bread or rolls with that

Corn bread 

Okay and you

I'm going to get the soul food special of the night with Cor bread

Okay it should be out soon okay she took our  menu and left us

Our food came out 15-20 min later

If anyone know me y'all no I don't eat in public so she ate and we packed our food up to go she gave us the bill and on the back of the bill Shelly put you in the red here's  my number call me sometimes if your looking for fun ..

Ik CeCe was mad because the way her face look after reading the note I went and paid and I asked for Shelly ..Shelly came up to us

And I looked over at her .. so I'm not sure if your eyes was working but I came with this woman this is my woman and I don't like how you disrespected her by leaving that note and I don't like how you thought just because we both dress like boys we are just bros so you can keep your hoes ass number it's not needed over her bitch I took my lady hand and we walked out the door

I didn't even take my change I hope that red head keep it for herself

I pulled off and went home

We smoked and told Noah what Happened

Later on that night we shower and talked about us and what we going to do to better us and make us stronger

We laughed and played 

And then We ending our night with her reading R.H sin into we fell asleep ..

I kissed her softly on her forehead and told her I loved her ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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