Chapter 31- oh no..

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8 months passed and it was the day before i was due to have our baby.

"Goodmorning beautiful" Justin said as he ran over to help me get the groceries out the back of the car,

"here let me take that" He pulled the bag out of my hands, Justin had gotten just a little bit over protective of me since i had started to show,

"thanks" I said with a smile, we made our way inside, mum stood there looking in one of the bags,

"what are you looking for?" I asked sitting down on the couch,

"the bread.. i forgot the bread.. and the milk" Mum said as she kicked over the bag in anger.

"Just go back out and get them?" I laughed, she bit her lip and looked at the ground

"I dont want to leave you by yourself, what if something happens" Justin began to giggle a little bit

"dont worry, Ill stay here with her" after some thought mum pulled out a tiny piecce of paper from her pocket and wrote down her number,

"If anything happens, call this number" Mum said walking over and handing Justin the piece of paper before grabbing her bag and making her way out of the house. I looked down at my stomach as we heard the car speed down the road,

"how long do you think she'll be?" Justin asked, putting the piece of paper in his pocket,

"she'll take a while.. she always does" he giggled.

Justin stood up and walked over to the kitchen,

"are you hungry?" He asked, i stood up and joined him.

"oh yes" He smiled before looking in the fridge,

"theres no food in here" he said with a sad look on his face, i picked up a grocery bag and placed it onto the cabnet

"thats why we need to unpack the grocerys" He shook his head and laughed before begining to unpack a bag,

"You just go and sit down, ill do it" Justin said with an adorable smile,

"no, Justin, I can do it" he shook his head and pointed to the lounge, i rolled my eyes before waddeling over to the couch. I realised i had a pain in my stomach that didnt feel normal to me,

"ouch" I said quietly as i walked over to the lounge, sitting down would only make it worse so i stayd standing.

"are you okay beautiful?" Justin asked poking his head around the corner, the pain grew worse

"OUCH!" I screamed, Justin dropped the bag of apples and ran over to me

"sit down" He said thinking it would make things better

"Justin, that only makes it worse" Suddenly i felt like i had Just wet my pants.. but i know i hadnt,

"babe.. i think your water Just broke" Justin said as he face went pale white. I looked down, i was speechless.. he was right.

"I wasnt due for another day?!" I gave Justin a worried look,

"someone wanted to visit us early" Justin said getting a little excited,i wasnt excited.. i was scared.

I felt another pain in my stomach.. i realised they were contractions

"JUST CALL MUM!" I yelled at him since i was in pain, He walked me over to the lounge

"Just lay down first okay, your going to have to listen to me" I nodded and layed down, Justin ran over to the phone and dialed mums number,

"Hello?" she answered

"The baby" Justin said


"Yes, quickly get home" Justin hung up the phone and ran to my side,

"no matter what happenes. just keep breathing" Justin exclaimed taking my hand into his, I nodded and bit my lip

"this is so horrible" I said as i was already in alot of pain,

"im sorry to say this baby, but its going to get alot worse" I felt a tear roll down my cheek

"DONT TELL ME THAT!" I screamed, he brushed my hair away from my face and gave me a quick kiss.

"everything will be okay" he tried to keep calm but I could see in his eyes he just wanted to cry, we heard the breaks slam out the front followed by the sound of mums heels running up the driveway, dad had gone away for a week with some friends so he wasnt there at the moment. Mum burst through the door and ran to my side

"Oh my poor baby" She said kissing my forhead

"CAN YOU GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL?!" I yelled as the pains go worse,

"Ill just call an ambulance" She picked up the phone,

"Just breath, Breath, breath" Justin kept saying, i opened my eyes and turned to him

"sing to me" He gave me a puzzeled look,

"sing to you?" I took a deep breath in and then let it all out once again

"you always keep me calm when you sing to me.. please... sing to me" I nodded before clearning his fault

"all along, i believed, i had found you" Justin started singing my favourite song while he held back all of his tears.

"theyll be here in five minutes!" Mum screamed as she interupted Justins singing,

"Look, scarlett, everything is going to be alright, you hear me" I nodded and squished my eyes shut. 5 minutes later i was being carried out of the house bye the ambos and rushed into the birthing unit at the hospital.

"come on baby, you can do it, i believe in you" Justin said as they lifted me onto the table/bed thingy, i nodded as i was in too much pain to think,

"Isnt this exciting?!" Mum screamed, i shot her a death stare.

after hours and hours and hours i felt like i was about to pass out, everything was begining to become fuzzy and all i could see were colours, I could hear the heart monitor starting to pick up speed.

"Whats going on?" I heard Justin say with a worried tone in his voice

"im sorry but we are going to have to ask you to wait outside" The doctor said,

"BUT I CANT JUST LEAVE HER!" Justin yelled,

"Justin.. just do what the doctor says" I felt Justins lips on my forhead before hearing the door slam close. there was alot of yelling of the doctors and nurses but i couldnt really make out what they were saying as my hearing also went fuzzy. I heard the crying of a baby girl before everything went black.

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