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(Y/n) searched through the city, smelling the locket and following several paths which led her around in a rectangular circle. It was like he was everywhere in the city. "Ugh this is impossible..." she sighed and looked down. If she kept this up then she won't get anywhere. "Where are you master..?" She sniffled, feeling a headache rise in the side of her head from crying. She saw a little light down an alley. Like something was reflecting the moon. She walked over and saw a ninja star with a flower emblem on it.

She bent over and picked it up and jerked when she realized how sharp the edges were. "Shit!" She hissed and sucked on her finger and carefully examined the star. "It's so pretty..." she paused for a moment then sniffed it. Maple and medicine. "Master..!" Her eyes brightened. "It's him! He held it too!" She held it to her chest. She looked at the ninja star again and stared at the symbol. A flower... it's pretty. What does it mean?

She looked at the brick wall and scraped the sharp edges against the brick as if she were trying to cut it. She pressed her finger against the edges and smiled when it was dull enough to touch.

She smelled the star again. She realized the smell wasn't just his normal natural smell. There was a hint of some horrible odor. Like shit and piss. Her nose scrunched up when smelling it. She smelled a stronger presence of that odor in different parts of the city. She walked around a bit and sniffed the air for the odor and gagged when she got closer. She looked down at a sewer with a manhole cover that had N.Y.C. on it. There was a hole on the edge. She lifted it up, grunting a little at the weight and looked down and gulped.

"For master." She took a breath and climbed down and covered the manhole with the cover. She pulled out her little light she used during the night so she could read her master's notes. Reading them helped her have nicer dreams. And since the bills were never paid she had to rely on natural light for her to see in the apartment.

She shined the light down the tunnel and cringed when trudging through the sewage and dirty water. Her skin was more green than blue now. Her master better be in this damn sewer or god help us.

"Should I call for him? Will he respond?" She thought to herself. "Master?" She called out verbally. Her voice was hoarse. "Master!" Sounded a little better but it was still clear that she was crying for a while. She called for a while, her voice echoing through the tunnels.

Eventually she realized she was lost. She sat on the small platform against the wall and started crying again. Why couldn't he have just stayed..? Why did he leave? Why would he abandon her? Did he want her to die? Was this even worth it?

The sound of screeching train tracks screamed through her thoughts and made her look up. She followed the sound and eventually found an old subway station. There was one old train and one train car that was spray painted and had large black and white wheels.

She walked over to it and examined the vehicle. It was used recently since the front is warm where the engine is. She turned her head and could hear faint voices. She walked up the steps and saw a kind of comfy base. A couple bean bag chairs, an old TV, empty pizza boxes, skateboards, and tons of other things. She had never seen over half the things there. She climbed over the turnstile and looked around. She could definitely smell her master's scent. She smiled. He'd been here.

She looked down and saw another ninja star. It matched the one she had. She held in her squeals of joy and heard voices coming from a room across from her. It had some steps leading to it and sliding paper doors. She could see silhouettes that matched the ones she saw the other night.

They were getting closer. She panicked and quickly yet quietly ran across the lair to a small hallway with four rooms. She ran down to the last room on the right and gagged at the smell. The room was a mess!! She quickly hid under the bed and wanted to cry from all the trash and underwear under there.

Does this person have a fetish for underwear or something? And they all reek! She covered her nose and mouth to prevent herself from gagging. The door opened and a young voice hummed. She could see green three-toed feet walk over and sit on the bed. An orange cloth dropped down as the being yawned and snuggled into the bed. After a while, (y/n) climbed out and saw the cloth was a mask. She looked over at the being and her eyes widened. He was similar to her master before he left!!

She cried and hugged him which woke the poor guy up. "Oh master..!" She buried her face into his chest.

"Whoa!!!" He shoved her off and she stumbled back and fell down onto a couple empty pizza boxes. "Who are you??" He stared at her. He had freckles and blue eyes. And his voice wasn't as deep as master's.

"You're not master..." (y/n) teared up and looked down.

"Who?" He tilted his head.

"Master!" She pulled out her locket and showed him the picture.

"No one here's a human, dudette." He laughed a little.

"B-but-! N-no! He looks like you now! He's tall and he smells like this!" She shoved the locket in his face. He smelled it and shrugged.

"I don't smell anything."

"Really..? It smells like fall and medicine!" She smelled it and nuzzled the locket.

"Why do you call him 'master' what's his name?"

"I-I.. I forgot to look at it when I looked through his emails... but he made me. He did experiments with DNA and mutagen and he created me on accident." She explained.

"Experiments? The only guy here I know that does science..." he trailed off and thought. "Is Bill Nye. He's this really cool science guy that Donnie used to make me watch when he was too busy working on making retro mutagen to try and teach me." He smiled.

"Oh..." she looked down.

"What's your name?" He bent over a little to look up at her.

"(Y/n)." She rubbed her eyes. "You?"

"Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey." Mikey smiled brightly. She felt a little better. "And between you and me, you're gonna have to hide here. If the others find out you're here there's gonna be a huge problem.."

"Why?" She frowned.

"Well... no ones supposed to know we live down here. Cause you could be like a spy ninja person. But you seem cool so I don't think so." He beamed. "You're probably hungry right? You're really thin." He poked her stomach. "We got lots of pizza and orange Crush if you want!"

"Okay." She smiled a little as he ran off and came back with a few slices of warm pizza and a can of Crush.

Even though she has to hide for an indefinite amount of time, she's still a lot closer to her master than she ever been in a long while.

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