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Every day for the past week, Mikey snuck food from dinner to his room to give to (y/n) to satisfy her hunger. He'd snuck pizza, Crush, ramen, ice cream, popcorn, and any other junk they had in the kitchen.

The next time Mikey grabbed something from the fridge after dinner, his eldest brother stopped him. "Mikey, you've eaten a lot already you don't need anymore." Mikey bit his lip and tried to think of an excuse.

"Actually you've been doing this all week; taking food back to your room after meals. What are you hiding?" His third eldest questioned.

"Nothing! I'm not hiding anyone in my room!" Mikey looked at them and his three brothers raised an eye ridge at him.

"Right.." his second oldest rolled his eyes and Mikey hugged the carton of chocolate ice cream and ran back to his room and locked it.

The orange clad turtle walked over to (y/n) and handed her the carton and a spoon. "How's this?"

She smiled and shoveled scoops of chocolate ice cream into her mouth. "It's great." Better than the stale chips she ate in her apartment before she ran away.

A loud knock was heard at the door. "Mikey! Dojo!"

"Kay, Leo!" Mikey called back and grabbed his nunchucks. He looked over at the orange and blue skinned girl. "Keep quiet."

She nodded and his under his bed and continued to eat her ice cream when he left. She heard unfamiliar footsteps walk over and slowly open the door. She froze in her place and hugged her ice cream carton. Feet that looked like Mikey's walked into the room. The skin was a darker forest green color unlike Mikey's yellow-green shade. The tapes on his feet were different too.

The dark green feet walked over beside the bed and stood there for a while. (Y/n) held her breath as if letting out a small wind of air would immediately let the stranger know she was there under Mikey's disgusting and crammed bed.

She knew that he knew Mikey was hiding something why else would he have walked in when they're supposed to be in the dojo? His deep sigh made her relax a little and he turned and walked out the door.

She let out her breath and her spoon slid and hit against the brick floor and clattered. She gasped mentally and carefully laid the spoon down by an empty ramen box to make it look like it was used for ramen and has fallen over.

The feet walked back over and stood facing the bed. They bent and a dark green, three-fingered hand reaches down and grabbed the spoon and looked at it. He hummed in uncertainty. (Y/n)'s eyes were wide, staring at the stranger as he thought about what to do.

"Probably just some silly fantasy thing he does..." he murmured and left.

When she knew he was gone for sure, she sighed and held her chest to steady her pounding heart. When Mikey got back, she told him what happened and he gulped.

"I guess I should be more careful.." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Mikey, I appreciate this really... but I have to find him... I need to..." she looked into his eyes in a kind of pleading matter. "He's all I have and care about..."

Mikey frowned a little. "What do I do? If I just show you to the others they'll flip!" He whispered.

"We can fake a kind of meeting where you and the others "save" me and you ask them to let me stay here for a little bit. I don't even need them to say yes. I just need to know if either of them are my master." (Y/n) explained. "I don't care if I can't stay under the same roof with him. All I want is to know if he's okay and where he is and, if I'm lucky, that he still loves me.."

"Aww.." Mikey gushed at her loyalty to her unfound master. "That's so cute, (n/n)!" He beamed. "Okei I help you find your papa!"

"Thank you so much." She smiled so brightly she almost started to cry just thinking about seeing her master again.

"Ooh you said he got mutated right?" Mikey asked.

"I guess, if that's the word you'd say for that." She shrugged.

"Well, what does he look like now? He probably looks cool right??" Mikey smiled eagerly.

"Well he seemed pretty ashamed in the surveillance video... he locked himself in his room and left until he knew I was back to sleep." She bit her lip. "He looks kinda like you."

"I wanna see." Mikey stood up. "Take me to your old place and show me."

"What if I get caught by your brothers?" She gulped and looked at the door, thinking about when one of Mikey's brothers walked in.

"You'll be fine. Leo's watching Space Heroes, D's working, and Raphie is playing his drums." Mikey laughed a little and led her out. "Plus you said you can turn invisible right?"

She nodded and her skin blended in to her surroundings. "Let's go."

Mikey walked out holding her hand so he could make sure she was still there. He was about to climb over the turnstiles when his eldest brother stopped him.

"And where are you going?" He paused his show and looked at Mikey.

"Getting pizza!" Mikey beamed.

"You better save some for us." The blue clad turtle sighed.

"You got it, Leo!~" Mikey did a flip over the turnstile and led (y/n) up to the surface. "Ooh, by any chance was it Leo that walked in?" He looked over at her.

"No his skin wasn't dark like the intruder. Plus the one who walked in had dark colored tape on his feet." She shook her head.

"Maybe it was Raphie then." Mikey shrugged and helped her up through the manhole. She led him to the apartment and climbed in and turned the computer on and looked for the video.

She opened the email and searched for the email with the attachment video of her master being mutated but it wasn't there.

"What the-.." she huffed and typed in Saki in the search bar and nothing popped up. "It's not here... why isn't it here??" She refreshed the page and restarted the computer.

Mikey grew tense and looked over at the window and could see a silhouette of someone standing on top gone building across the street. They were facing towards the apartment building Mikey and (y/n) were at.

"H-Hey," Mikey gulped and nudged the chameleon girl. She looked over and saw the silhouette. The person turned and jumped off the building and onto the next one and ran away. "Whoa..." Mikey bit his lip.

"Who was that?.." (y/n) looked up at the orange clad turtle.

"No clue... maybe he's a stalker. Maybe you have a stalker!!" Mikey looked at her with wide eyes and laughed a little. "Nah, I'm playin', he's probably a ninja cause that jump was swag."

(Y/n) looked from her friend to the building the silhouette was at. She climbed over to the building with Mikey and looked around at the place the stranger was. Maybe he dropped something or left something for them. Just a thought she had and she was right. There was a little note on the ground. She knelt down and picked it up and read it.

Don't you think it's rude to go through someone's things when they're clearly not yours nor were they meant for you? Nice try, newt, but some secrets are meant to be kept hidden not thrown out for everyone to know.

The handwriting was a bit hard to read since he must've written it while holding the sheet by itself without a hard surface. Even if it was written on a hard surface she still wouldn't have recognized it.

"Does the handwriting look familiar to you, Mikey?" She looked up at him.

He looked at and skimmed through it. "Maybe he meant this for someone else. You're not a newt."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't care about that right now. Do you think you have an idea of who wrote it?" She asked.

"Nope. Not a clue." He handed it back to her and she sighed. The only picture she has of her master is her locket but that won't help her find him now that he's a mutant.

"Let's head back before the others get mad at me." Mikey helped her stand up and led her back to the lair.

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