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(I'm screming I didn't get to see the Crypt of Dracula episode cause my TV didn't record it when it was supposed to and I'm very much pissed so HHHHHHHHHH ded)

"(Y/n), how old are you?" Mikey asked, braiding her hair while she was coloring in a coloring book.

"I'm not sure... I can't remember my birthday." She shrugged, coloring the hand of a bear yellow.

"(Month) (day) (year)." The date rolled off Donnie's tongue easily like it was engraved into his soul. "You're only 1 year old." (Y/n) and Mikey looked over at him as he was fixing the damages to the Shell Razor from the other night.

"I'm only 1..?" She tilted her head slightly. How long had she been waiting by herself? It felt like well over a year.

"Mhm. On your first birthday I gave you the locket with our pictures in it. But you tore your face out and only put mine in." He chuckled a little, remembering when he told her she didn't have to do that but she wanted a memory of Donnie not herself.

"What day is it today?" She questioned.

"Well tomorrow would be your half birthday, which isn't really something we think about cause it's not really a big deal." Donnie shrugged and took his goggles off, having dirt all over his face except where the goggles were on his face.

"If it's not a big deal how come you know?" Mikey thought aloud. (Y/n) looked at Donnie and the purple clad turtle glared and turned away and slid the goggles back on, continuing to work on the Shell Razor.

"Think you got him." She giggled and looked at Mikey.

"I did?" Mikey looked at him.

Well he has his moments, she thought to herself and chuckled quietly.

"Wait wouldn't it be wrong for Donnie to be dating a one year old-?" Mikey was about to ask till a flying wrench smacked into his head.

"Shut up, Mikey!" Donnie barked.

"Ow!" Mikey whined, rubbing his head and making a sad baby face.

"Aww.." (y/n) patted his cheek gently.

"I have a booboo, (n/n)!" The orange clad turtle sniffled and fake-cried.

Donnie rolled his eyes. "Mikey, if you aren't doing anything important in here then leave."

"Fine. Big bully." Mikey stuck his tongue out. "Bai, (n/n)!~" he walked to the door and waved to her.

"And stop calling her that!" Donnie barked at him.

"Oh no, it's okay, Donnie; I don't mind." She smiled gently.

"Are you (n/n)? No? Then shut up, grape-head." Mikey blew raspberries at him and left.

(Y/n) giggled a little as Donnie grumbled and continued working. She walked over and laid on her stomach, getting as close to him as her chain would let her. She watched him work and smiled when she saw him sticking his tongue out to the side. He always did that when he worked; (y/n) thought it was adorable.

She hummed the alphabet in her head backwards, remembering when Donnie told her that can help her thinking process. Her mind trailed to how words sound like letters and thought of a nice cute thing to say to him, when in reality everyone's heard it.

"Hey, Donnie." She giggled a little.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"If I could change the alphabet I'd put U right next to I." She smiled brightly, thinking he'll believe she's so smart for thinking of that.

"Good thing N and O are right beside each other."

Her smile disappeared immediately and was replaced with a frown. He didn't even turn to look at her. She looked down and played with her fingers. She mumbled, "You're so mean," in a tone Mikey would and crawled back to the wall and played with her chains.

"Oh, poor (y/n)'s feelings are hurt. Oh, dear." Donnie looked at her and put a hand to his cheek in a sarcastic manner.

Her skin went from blue to dark blazing red. "You don't consider anyone's feelings! You never say anything nice to me!"

"I don't waste my words." He rolled his eyes and turned away. "Bitch.."

Her eyes widened. "Say it again."

"Bitch." He said louder.


"BITCH!!" Donnie barked at her.

"GOOD DAMN THING BECAUSE BITCHES DO WHAT THEY'RE TOLD!!!" She spat back at him, causing him to go silent and stare at her. "Now turn around, bitch." And he did.


The whole day in the lab was extremely silent and painfully awkward. (Y/n) just kept her head down and did a connect the dots in her coloring book while Donnie was working on the same old experiment. She glanced at him the same time he looked at her and they looked away quickly.

He cleared his throat. "Um.. that was a hell of a comeback.." he kept his eyes on the experiment.

She looked up at him and bit her lip. "So were both of yours.." she murmured, feeling the tension and awkwardness get heavier then slowly ease up. She crawled over to the desk and rested her chin on the edge of it and watched him work. She saw a beaker of a familiar glowing blue-green substance. "Donnie, what's that?"

He looked over at the beaker. "Mutagen. It changes the DNA of anyone who absorbs it. You met April, she's immune to it-..." he froze and thought. "That's it..." he grabbed his T-phone and called April.

"What?" (Y/n) tilted her head.

When he finished the call, he laughed and said, "her DNA should be the key to make a cure for it!"

When April came over, both girls glared at each other. Donnie pulled April over and got a sample of her DNA and mixed it with a sample of the mutagen and looked at it under the microscope. Both girls made threats and gestures with their hands.

"Would you too stop??" Donnie turned and glared at (y/n). April but her lip and glanced at the sample on the microscope and smirked.

"What are you up to, you little hoe?" (Y/n) glared at her.

"I'm not asking again." Donnie glared at her then looked into the microscope. His grimace changed into a grin and a laugh emitted from his throat. "Ha! Eureka!" He pulled away. "I did it! I really did it!"

"R-really?" April's eyes widened.

"Yeah! Now we can change your father back to a human!" He held her hands and smiled gently at her.

"Oh my god... you're the best, Donnie!!" She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

(Y/n)'s skin turned completely black as she snarled. Next thing she knew she had her hands around April's throat and a stinging pain on her cheek.

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