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She eventually fell asleep on the cold floor, holding the locket to her chest. Donnie grabbed a pillow and blanket and walked over to her. He lifted her head up gently and slid the pillow under her head and covered her body with the blanket.

He sat there beside her, stroking her hair and smiling a little at how peaceful she was. And when she slept, her skin would change different colors and shades minus the colors black and white.

His smile was so warm and gentle. He always loved her color changing skin especially while she was dreaming, it was so mesmerizing and would help lull him to sleep. He couldn't fall asleep yet, though. He had to get a few things off his chest before sleeping.

"I'm sorry, ānuenue..." that's what he used to call her all the time before this mess happened. "Being mutated kind of changed me a little... you know I'd never act like this and mean it..." he stroked her cheek with his thumb and sighed. "I'll explain it all later, when you're awake to known that I'm sorry... but I'm afraid of apologizing to your conscious face.." he kissed her head. He laid beside her, pulling her to his chest and holding her warmly. "I'm so sorry for giving you anxiety and upsetting you." He murmured and fell asleep embracing her.


In the morning (y/n) woke up and noticed the blanket and the pillow. She also noticed that the chain was unlocked and laying beside her ankle. She rubbed the red mark on it and smiled slightly. She wrapped herself in the blanket and walked to the kitchen to see what Mikey was gonna make her this time.

Instead of seeing the orange clad turtle, Donnie was sitting there at the table, sipping coffee and reading the paper. She turned to tiptoe out so she wouldn't bother but but he stopped her. "Awake already?" He didn't even have to look in her direction to know she was there.

She stopped and turned back to him and nodded and hummed a yes. He stood up and walked to her. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting some kind of verbal or physical abuse from him. She didn't feel any pain, but she flinched when he gently held her chin in his hand.

She opened her eyes and stared up at him. She was amazed to see him smile so kindly... to her. "I missed that color on you." He chuckled a little at her purple skin and bright red blush. "I seemed to forgot what your colors mean with what you're feeling. I had a list but I lost it. I might have to rewrite it." He winked playfully and pulled her back to the lab. "I should put the chain back on you."

"N-No-!" She stopped herself as he looked at her. "I-I mean.. no.... I-I don't need it. I-I'll be good." She smiled up at him nervously and he chuckled a little.

"I have to keep an eye on you and I don't trust you will stay in the lab. I know you, (y/n)." He sat her down and locked the chain around her ankle again. "You're always nosy."

She pouted and blushed. "I'm hungry.." she rubbed her stomach and looked down.

"Are you now?" He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up. She squirmed in his hold and tried to kick at him. "You're the one who ate my pizza, pig." He glared.

"I'm sorry!" She squirmed. "It tasted like bacon!"

"You're such a newt." He threw her and as soon as her head smacked against the floor, she felt someone shake her and wake her from her bizarre dream.

"I made you breakfast, (y/n)." It was Mikey. He had a plate of bacon and waffles for her, steam arising from them.

She smiled and took the plate from him. "Thank you." She started eating and saw Donnie walk in, rubbing his eyes and sipping his coffee.

When she thought about her dream, she realized how strange it was; Donnie getting upset with her because she ate his bacon-flavored pizza? Wow.

"Morning.." she watched to see if Donnie would reply. He only grunted at her, sitting at his desk and continuing to work.

Mikey ruffled (y/n)'s hair and smiled gently to her. "He's always crabby in the morning, (n/n)." He tugged at her chains a little. "Donnie, I wanna play the Space Heroes game with her!"

"No." Donnie grunted in an irascible tone.

"Why??" Mikey pouted.

"Because I said so."

"Donnie, you're so mean to her anyway!" The orange clad turtle stomped his foot. "You don't care what she does so I should get to hang with my sister from another mister!"

Donnie slammed his hands down and stood up. "I said no and that means no!! Maybe I am mean to her but that doesn't mean I'll let her go!" He barked at him. "And get out of my lab!"

Mikey grabbed the empty plate and stormed out and to the kitchen. (Y/n) frowned and looked from him to Donnie. "You didn't have to yell at him.." she murmured.

"What was that?" He asked in a bit of a threatening tone.

"N-Nothing.." she looked down and played with her fingers nervously. She hugged her blanket and laid back down on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. She tilted her head back to look at his desk. She rolled over onto her stomach. "What are you working on?"

"None of your concern." He quetched.

Her lower lip quivered a little and she looked away from him. Maybe she was better off staying in the apartment and never looking for him in the first place. She murmured an apology and sniffled, making him look up from his work.

"I didn't mean to anger you... you were probably a lot happier when I was out of the picture..." she rubbed her eyes and hiccuped. "I mean there's tons of pictures of you smiling with your family.. and then I just show up and now you're upset.."

Donnie walked over to her and lifted his arm up so it was parallel to the floor. "How high can you jump?"

She looked up at him and wiped her tears away. "Why are you asking that?"

"You used to be able to jump from the floor and onto my arm and lay on it. Of course you were smaller and younger but you're still a lot shorter than I am." He smiled very slightly. She stood up and jumped up and tried to reach his arm but missed a little. She tried again and locked her fingers around it and attempted to pull herself up. He chuckled and helped her up.

"Aren't I a bit heavy?" She asked, laying her head against the top of his hand.

He shook his head and hummed a no and let her lay and dangle from his arm for however long she wanted. "You don't remember much, huh.." he thought aloud. She looked at him. "Usually chameleons have pretty decent memories. You were trying to crawl to me while you were sitting on my desk. I had my back to you and you weren't looking and you fell off and hit your head against the leg of the chair." He couldn't help but laugh when thinking about it. He stroked her hair gently.

"I did..?" She rubbed her head and could feel a small bump on the corner of her forehead.

"Right there." He rubbed her bump lightly. "You wouldn't stop crying and my heart just melted." He chuckled and sat her down and sat in front of her.

She looked down as her head went through several thoughts till she started thinking about when Donnie left her after he mutated. "Why did you leave..?" She murmured.

He sighed. "I couldn't work on experiments in the apartment while being a giant turtle.. my coworkers would wonder where I was and they sure as hell wouldn't have understood if I said I was a turtle mutant. And they'd kick the door open and if they saw me I'd be gone for good... I told you before I left that I'll be back soon... I just needed to find a cure.." he bit his lip and looked down. "And all that time you were by yourself and watching old surveillance videos, I was on the roof of the other building making sure you were doing okay.. I'd never leave you like you thought I did, ānuenue." He stroked her cheek.

She held his hand to her cheek and leaned into his touch, forgetting about his angry side and smiling a little.

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