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(Y/n) was strapped down with leather restraints on a soft bed. Even though it would be comforting to anyone else, it made her skin itch and crawl, wondering when Donnie will come in and shame her for attacking April yet again.

She had it coming; kissing my Master like that, she thought to herself. Just who the hell is this bitch? I bet she's got a man of her own up on the surface. I bet she sleeps with the poor fucker every night. She's pure scum. I want to scrape her ass of the face of the eater with Clorox and Windex. I'd love to-

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open, making her jump and her pissed inner voice whimper and go silent. Donnie laughed pitifully and slammed the door shut. He rested his hands on his hips to prevent his fists from cutting off circulation. His foot started tapping against the floor as he shook his head, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.

"You are really something aren't you?" He looked to her and walked over. "I mean, you are just so selfish and possessive. You never once thought if that would make anyone else happy but yourself?" (A/N: it'd bring me great joy actually)

"Selfish...?" (Y/n) frowned. She never thought of herself as selfish but protective. Protective of her Master. Possessive? Maybe. But not selfish.

"You don't care about how much that pisses me off! Yeah maybe she does kiss me! Maybe I like her kisses!" He gripped the headboard of the bed with his hand and dug his fingers into the bed.

"Maybe I'm so selfish and possessive of you because I miss your kisses..!" (Y/n) sniffled as her lower lip quivered. "You're always drooling over her and looking at her picture... how do you think that makes me feel??" She searched into his eyes. "You're such a hypocrite! You really think you're the victim?"

He scowled. "I have a bigger chance with April than you have with me." He pulled away from the bed and stormed out.

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide as she stared up at the ceiling. So it was all for nothing? Searching for him and dreaming about a beautiful future with him? That was just a waste of her life wasn't it? Her eyes created a waterfall down either side of her face as she cried out. Her pained voice tried to reach out for any sort of comfort, tried to get anyone's attention or affection.

She writhed in the bed as she sobbed and felt her heart shatter and crumble under its cold cage. She squeezed her eyes shut and heard the door creak open. At this point she wasn't sure if she wanted to be with anyone.

The person stepped over and started rubbing her shoulders gently. She still didn't open her eyes, but she did start to feel a little better. She felt the person press a sweet kiss on her hairline, stroking her hair gently. Before she could open her eyes, the person covered them with their hand. The kiss almost felt familiar, but it was a little chilly against her skin.

"Let me see..." she tried to move her head away from the hand. The free hand grabbed at her throat, causing her to gasp and choke a little against it. A strange screeching metallic sound emitted from the person(?) and the grip on (y/n)'s threat grew tighter. "L-Let go...!" She tried to call out but involuntarily had to conserve her air.

The hand covering her eyes pulled away and she saw a ninja with a foot symbol on a headband around its head and glowing red bug/like eyes. It swiftly pulled out a blade and pointed it to her neck.

Before the ninja could do anything, a blade punctured through its waist, making pink sparks fly out of it as more metallic screeching came out from it. It collapsed to the floor as the red light in the eyes dimmed.

"You okay??" Donnie was standing behind it with his bō staff in his hands. He saw a red mark on her neck from where the ninja choked her and snarled. He stabbed the ninja a few more times with the blade of his staff as if getting revenge.

"D-Donnie, stop; it's dead!" (Y/n) tried to reach her hand out to him but the leather restraints prevented her from doing so.

He unbuckled the restraints on her and pulled her tightly to his chest. She froze a little but she smiled and hugged him back. She smelled him quietly, sighing quietly when his natural scent wafted into her nose and made her relax.

(Y/n) looked down at the ninja then up at Donnie. "Who's that?"

"A footbot. It's a robot ninja part of the foot clan." He explained.

"Foot clan?" She tilted her head slightly.

"Yeah." He shrugged in a way of saying 'weird, I know'. "Don't ever let these things get you okay? In fact I should check to make sure there aren't any more of them." He pulled away from her. "Stay here."

She sat down on the bed and looked at his dresser and at the pictures he had. She studied them and smiled at all the family photos. She could see a faint outline on the wall of where a photo used to hang. Was this where the photos of him and (y/n) used to be? She gently traced the outline and looked at the other pictures. Maybe he got rid of them... she looked down when she thought about him setting the pictures to flames.

"There aren't any more luckily," Donnie interrupted her thoughts when he walked back in. "You're not hurt are you?"

She shook her head. "I'm okay." She gave him a small smile. She looked back to the pictures and sighed a little. "Do you still think about when we were together in the apartment and it was just the two of us?"

He didn't say anything. "Go back to sleep, okay?" He led her to the bed and laid her down.

"'Back'?" She raised a brow.

"Uh yeah... you were asleep till the foot it woke you up." Donnie covered her with the blankets.

She frowned and thought. "Did you yell at me before the footbot came in..?"

"I was going to... but it didn't matter anymore." He shrugged and grabbed his staff and laid it against his dresser.


"You must've dreamt that I did." He said. "What all happened?"

"You were angry with me because I was fighting April again. And we started yelling... and you said 'I have a bigger chance with April than you have with me'.." she looked away and felt her eyes start to burn and water.

He sighed and walked over to her. "I'd never say that. Especially to you, ānuenue. Even if that did slip like that it's because I'm just angry and upset. It doesn't even have to be about you. I could've been mad at Mikey too." He knelt down beside the bed and stroked her hair. "There's never a day where I don't think about the old us." He smiled gently and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

She smiled a little and threw her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head against chest. He chuckled a little and held her for a little bit before ushering her to bed.

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