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Donnie had to lay beside (y/n) in bed and lull her to sleep by telling her memories about them that she forgot.

"Was I a picky eater?" She looked up at him.

"I remember I had to make a sandwich a certain way and you couldn't have anything out of place or you wouldn't eat it. You wouldn't let me put lettuce on the center you just wanted it around the edges." Donnie laughed a little. "Mayo had to be soaked in the bread first, and the cheese you ate had to sit on the counter for 15 minutes before cutting a slice of it for the sandwich." (A/N: and I'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to you but you can change it if you want) She giggled a little as he teased her about her quirks. "You'd always tell me I say calendar weird but when you tried to show me how to say it you said it the exact same way." He chuckled as she laughed and snorted.

"You kinda do." She but the tip of her tongue between her front teeth. She wheezed when Donnie glared at her while smiling. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." She snickered.

He ruffled her hair and admired her skin. Bright purple with specks of dark indigo. He gently stroked her colorful, reptile-like skin, feeling how soft and cold her upper arm was. He tucked the blanket over her shoulder and smiled when she snuggled into it.

"You know you're cold blooded; if you're cold then get a blanket or lay in the sun." He smiled.

"I wasn't cold!" She protested.

"Oh don't start," he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. "And don't be sneaky and think 'oh if this will get him to hold me then I'll just stick my head in the freezer, pay Ice Cream Kitty a visit'. Yeah don't."

She giggled at his impression of her voice and nuzzled her head against plastron, loving the warmth emitting from him. "Wouldn't you be cold blooded too?"

"Well A, I was a human that turned into a turtle. B, it's one of those 'either or' things. Like a baby can have blue eyes like his mom or brown eyes like his dad. But there are times where I can tolerate hot temperatures unlike most people." He shrugged. "So a little bit I guess."

She traced the little scratches on his plastron and cuddled his waist. "How come you're nice now?" She murmured.

"I'm sorry?"

She looked up at him. "Like.." she turned her gaze down to the sheets. "In the day you act like you wanna flush me away in raw sewage, but like now... you're really sweet.."

He sighed and kissed her forehead, causing her eyes to dilate and her face to go red-violet. "That's something I'll explain later..." he stroked her hair and smiled a little at her blush. "Sleep."

She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep. When Donnie knew she was sleeping, he got out of the bed and walked out of his room and to the lab.

But while Donnie was with (y/n), April had snuck into the lab with some shed skin in the corner by the chains. She found the retro mutagen and started to tamper with it, adding different chemicals randomly to make it unstable. She added in the shed skin and grinned. She quickly left before Donnie walked in.

He sat down at his desk and yawned. Eventually he fell asleep while working and woke up to loud arguing. He groaned and walked out and saw April and (y/n) barking at each other about the same damn topic.

"Hey, hey..." Donnie rolled his eyes.

"You are such a selfish little demon!!! You don't care about him!! I know you don't!!" (Y/n) saw April and told herself not to attack April.



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