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Later that day I walked home, not in the mood to listen to Sharpay and Ryan sing in her car or pedaling my feet.

"Well, your home late." A voice told me.

I closed the door, locking it before I turned around to face my brother in workout clothes, a headband, and much too tight pants on his his very own yoga mat. "I know." I replied tossing my keys into the antique plate that held everyone's keys. I pulled my shoes off with my feet putting it in a bucket which read my name. I took off my socks with my hands this time and placed them in my shoes.

"Why?" He asked stretching his arms, pulling one arm with his other hand behind him. He started his yoga routine with that in the living room, then he'd go to the yoga room, since he complained that the heat was too hot, that he sweated before he even did anything. Guess he didn't know about changing the temperature.

"I wanted to walk. You know, get fresh air or whatever." I told him, walking away to go up the stairs.

"Wait!" He called out.

"What?" I sighed, walking back into the living room, back in Ryan's sight.

"Come sit." He sat on the couch patting the seat next to him.

I stared at him strangely, not knowing why he was talking to me. This might've been the most time we've ever spent with each other. "Ok, what's up." I asked him as I sat down, placing my bag on the floor besides my feet.

"Nothing, can't I just talk to my sister?!" He rubbed his arm against mine.

"Yeah, you can. But without doing that." I mimicked him doing the smart thing that she was doing.

"Ok, ok, ok." He scooter over knowing I wanted space from him. I mumbled a quick thanks right before he asked me a question. "So, are you sabotaging our musical?"

"What? No. I would never." I quickly defended myself. "I don't know why Ms. Darbus chose me, or Troy for that matter. This is your thing and I don't wanna disturb it, but at the same time maybe I wanna try it out."



"You know I love you. And I'll let you give it a try. You know how much we wanted you to join us on stage instead of doing those drawings. And
now that you're finally joining. I'm excited. I love you big sis." He slid over to me hugging my side.

"Love you too Ry." I replied patting my hand on his arm. "Ok. Now let me go, I have to make dinner."

"Right." He chuckled, letting go. I got up walking away to go up the stairs. "Bye." I heard his giggly voice tell me.

"See you." I replied, walking up to my room placing my bag on a chair. Walking back down to go to be kitchen. "Tonight's going to be chicken." I spoke to myself. "And of course it's gonna be great because I made it." I said again. I walked to the phone on the counter, opening the cabinet that had menus from different restaurants. I picked on up dialing the phone number that was put on the paper.

"Hi, can I get three orders of the chicken drum stick meal?

+ + + +

"Hey watch it!" Someone told me as they walked into me.

"No, you watch it." I turned to look at who was talking to me. And guess what? Chad. Troy Bolton's right hand man.

"Ah, another Evans. They're too many of you."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, we already have two Evans singing show tunes and we don't need another one. I might just get a migraine thinking about it."

"Well I'm sorry to hurt your little basketball head, but I'm joining their "show tunes" and I don't care if you don't like it. So freaking deal with it!" I yelled in his face, bumping my shoulder with his as I walked off to class.

Wow, were pretty moody today.


Maybe we're on our period.


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